Miyuki Kazuya X Tomboy! Reader

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Hey guys!

This is a request from Rin-chan06, I hope you and enjoyed this and sorry if it took a bit or maybe too much time! And sorry if the reader here is that stereotypic tomboy

That's all! Request are open if any of you guys have any request or suggestion please comment or message me! Now, onto to story!————————

"Ewww how could she turn the uniform to that?"

"Damn I wonder if she's ever made out with a girl?"

"Pfft! Hahaha how could anyone like her?!"

"Hey! (Last name) you know you could've been cute if it wasn't the fact you dress like that!"

"And you could've been beautiful if it wasn't the fact you aren't!" You shout back to the girl, before strolling inside the 2-B classroom where the normal group of guys that liked to tease you sat on their usual spot

"Yo (Last name)! You will never find a guy because you're not anybody's type!" He laughed with his friends backing him up

"Don't worry! None of you assholes is my type either," You glare at him, only breaking the eye contact when you had to sit on your seat

"Well... it's not like she's into girls...right?"

"But wouldn't it be weird if she starts to like us?"

Miyuki heard a group of girls nearby talking to themselves while stealing glances at the girl that snapped at a group of boys

Miyuki, who's also curious ended up following their gazes that fell on a girl with short hair, who was wearing her too big untucked uniform and also sporting a pair of jogging pants underneath her skirt and a pair of sneakers instead of the regular black shoes

'Who is she...or is it him?' He found himself asking, suddenly finding interest in you

"Oi Miyuki! Who are you staring at?" Miyuki turned his attention back to Kuramochi who was leaning against the wall,

"Do you know her?" He found himself asking Kuramochi but Kuramochi just shrugged,


"Okay, class! Back to your seats," the teacher ordered tiredly and started writing on the board


'Gaah I'm starving!' Your stomach grumbles loudly as you walked out of the room

"Oops, sorry...ma—gir—dude?" You find yourself on the floor, while the person who bumped into you was holding out a hand for you to grab 

"Thanks," You grumble, grabbing the person's hand

"Hey...are you a girl or a boy?" Miyuki asks you bluntly causing you to give him a deadpanned look

"I don't care, just think whatever you want," you replied before pushing past him

'Just because I act like a boy doesn't mean that I'm a... guy...those sexist idiots!' You think to yourself, obviously pissed

Miyuki watches you walk away, chuckling as he watched you flip a guy off who said something about dicks

'Damn this girl really is interesting!'


The next day in your P.E class you were carrying a box of things as a punishment for punching a guy and breaking his nose

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