Okumura Koshuu X Reader

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This was requested by Thisisspstupid453289 thank you for requesting!!
I also don't have much to do anymore so I might start editing some of the chapters of this book, I'm not changing anything about the plot, just some words and grammatical errors
Honestly, I actually can't read the first few chapters of this book (Yes that includes the authors note) 💀💀 so seriously, I'm so thankful to everybody who read this from the start to this current chapter 💕💕
Well that's all for this author's note, thank you and enjoy!!

"You know you don't have to do this right?" You ask your boyfriend while you sit beside him on the grass, "He'll figure it out eventually." You sigh while Okumura shakes his head

"It's better if he knows it from us personally," Okumura says firmly, "Besides, who knows what your brother might think of he just suddenly finds out we're dating." You shiver at the thought of how far his imagination can take him, especially when he gets influenced by the other members in the Baseball team

"I see your point," You grumble in defeat, "So you have any plans?" You turn to Okumura with a bright look on your face

"Aren't you going to help me?"

"Come on! You're the one good at planning things!" You laugh, hitting his arms, "Besides, it was your idea!"

'I almost forgot they were actually siblings.' He thinks to himself, well he was already in it and there wasn't really a part of him that wants to break things off with you. Sure his life was going to get very noisy because of you, but it wasn't like it was the type of noise that annoys him, it was in some sense, a comforting kind of noisiness

"(First name)!" He hears your brother calling for you as you move an inch away from him, "Let's eat lunch together—Wah wolf boy what are you doing with my sister?!" Sawamura screeches to a stop as he looks at you then at Okumura, "You've been hanging with my sister a lot these days," He comments, a suspicious look on his face that made you stand up immediately and push him away

"Jeez, Ei-nii, you're overthinking things!" You push him away, "I'll see you later Okumura!" You bid Okumura goodbye, even winking at him when Sawamura wasn't looking

Okumura sighs, how was he going to bring it up with his senior?


"Just say it directly," Seto advices as he, Asada, Okumura and Kuki sits around the table

"Maybe tell him about it while we're having our afternoon training." Kuki suggests as Okumura remains silent as he thinks about Sawamura's reaction

It can go two ways,

"You traitor! How can you go out with my sister?!" Sawamura says as he shakes Okumura, "We're partners! We have each other's back!"


"Wahahahaha that means we're going to be brothers-in-law in the future!" Sawamura places an arm around Okumura, "I'll make sure to take care of you Wahahahaha!"

Okumura shivers, somehow both scenarios scare him

"How about when you're practicing his pitching?" Asada suggests

But Okumura could almost feel Sawamura's pitch hitting him when he hears the surprising news

"I don't think it's a good idea to do it while training." Seto comments, already catching up with Okumura's thoughts

The table remains silent, all thinking of ways to help their friend who just had to fall in love with their senior's little sister

"Then just go to their room and say it then?" Seto proposes

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