Kuramochi Youchi X Reader 2

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Since that incident, you have been ignoring and avoiding Kuramochi at all costs, which is hard considering the fact that both of you are the same year and go to the same school

At first, Kuramochi was nonchalant about it, he acted as if nothing had happened, heck he even felt relieved but as time passed, he felt weird, like something was eating him up from the inside?

You were at the class with (boy's name) who introduced himself to you, and since then has become your friend

"(First name)-chan, wanna go eat?" He asked you making you look at the clock and because of your thoughts, you didn't notice the time and saw that it was already lunchtime

"Sure!" you agree, before standing up and walking towards the cafeteria while conversing about random things, mostly about things happening at school.

Kuramochi, who was inside, was surrounded by girls who are either his fan girls but mostly Miyuki's, though he was answering their questions, he couldn't help his mind to wander at how you used to always eat lunch with him

He was looking around, a habit he got accustomed to when you started avoiding him and after a few seconds he saw you, he sighs and waits for you to go near him. He waited for the questions and supportive words

But you didn't

Now, it wasn't like you don't go to the cafeteria anymore, but since you're always trying to avoid him so you wouldn't annoy him, you try to avoid going to the cafeteria during lunch. But this was a different story, (Boy's name) didn't have his lunch and he was hungry

Kuramochi continued looking at you but you didn't even turn to him, instead, you turned towards the person beside you

Kuramochi felt a weird feeling within him, he felt angry, he felt like murdering the guy that placed an arm around your shoulder oh so comfortably 

"Oi Kuramochi," Miyuki calls as he looked at his friend, just to see him looking somewhere else, it was at (First name)

Miyuki blinks as he watches at you interact with (boy's name) and turns back to Kuramochi who was now glaring menacingly at the poor guy

"Kuramochi," Miyuki calls making Kuramochi turn his attention towards Miyuki who was grinning that oh-so-shitty grin of his

"What?" He asked loudly

You and (boy's name) walked back towards your classroom (which he held open the door for you) and sit down at your usual seat and started conversing

"Hey (first name) do you know that guy?" He asks you

"Huh?" You asked him, giving him your full attention

"That guy with the glasses and girls surrounding them," he explains further as you frown


"I guess so," you answer slowly as he looked at you, almost like he was motioning you to continue

"He was my friend... I guess" you answered unsurely


"He was just annoyed with me, I overheard the conversation." you frown as you remembered what happened

Outside, Kuramochi, who followed you, overheard the whole conversation and felt like smacking his face against the wall

"That idiot," he mutters angrily to himself as he marches back towards his classroom, going straight to Miyuki who was, somehow, worried about his friend

"Give me a damn paper," Kuramochi says as Miyuki, who did not want to anger the shortstop more, did what he was told and gave him a paper

'Meet me at the rooftop after class' He wrote and walked towards your locker and slipped it inside


It was now almost nighttime, you walked towards your locker as (boy's name) bid you goodbye and walked towards the exit

You opened your locker and placed your books inside, not seeing the note, and went towards the library to do some school work

You spent at least 2 hours inside the library, it was only when you finished your homework and got back to the locker did you see the note, making your eyes widen

'I made the person wait for hours!' You thought to yourself,  as you hurriedly went upstairs to the rooftop

Now, Kuramochi went out of his way, he bought flowers and chocolate but he was starting to get impatient and lose hope that you would come

"Sorry!" You shout as you opened the door, surprising Kuramochi who was holding the flowers

"Kuramochi-kun?" You asked as he turned around and walked towards you, his face turning redder and redder at each step he took

"No Youchi-chan?" He jokes when he reached you but you just frowned as a response


"Here," He said, blushing as he hands you the flowers and chocolate as he looks away

"Thank you," you answer, unsure of what your reaction should be. Happy? Sad? Confused? Angry?

"About what I said," he started making your eyes narrow

"So this is what it was about," You mutter as you start turning around

"No, no wait, (First name) I'm sorry, dammit," he curses causing you to turn back around


"I wanted to say I'm sorry okay? It was stupid for me to say that you were a nuisance when the truth was you're one of the few persons that make me feel special!" he exclaims as you just gawk at him

"Hey—hey say something," he mutters, looking down because of embarrassment


Kuramochi bites his lip, he missed it when you called him Youchi

"Youchi-chan." you correct yourself as he looks up to see you grinning

"Youchi-chan!" You shout and jump at him, you couldn't help yourself, your heart was bursting with happiness and you missed hugging and spending time with Kuramochi

He smiles and hugs you back, feeling happy that you were once again on good speaking terms

"Will you go out with me?" He blurted out suddenly after you let go of him, the question caught you off guard, but after a few minutes of silence

"Yes!" You shouted making him grin but instantly frown at the thought of (boy's name)

"What about (boy's name)?" He inquires, remembering how close you seem to the other guy

"Eh? But (boy's name)'s gay," you tell him as he blinks at your answer


"Were you jealous Youchi-chan?"

"Of- of course not!" He denied but you giggled at his adorableness

"Don't worry, Youichi-chan, you look cute when you're jealous." you beam before kissing his cheek


Okay, I should first probably say sorry if Mochi here is a bit OOC but hopefully you guys enjoyed it!
I was supposed to update tomorrow but eh, I had time so why not? 
I'm most probably going to update tomorrow or the next day, the time's still not sure

But again, I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot! Requests are open, if you have any requests please comment or message me!
Until next time ✌️✌️

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