Sawamura Eijun X Reader 1

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Uwa! The first oneshot of the oneshot book, hope all of you enjoy!!!



You were a first-year student in Seido, with your (hair length) (hair color) hair and mesmerizing (eye color) eyes. It was no doubt you were beautiful, but also a very shy person, you hated speaking in front of many people or being with people you hardly knew

Sawamura was quite the opposite, being known for being extremely noisy and annoying in class. Always making his thoughts known, is friendly, and never lets anyone talk him down

That was why you never thought that someone like him would ever notice someone like you

It all started on that day, you were sitting quietly at your desk while reading (favorite book), not giving a care in the world as your eyes skimmed the page of the book you were currently reading

"Hey, hey (Last name)-san's really is pretty isn't she?" Sawamura overheard a conversation, he turned towards them and saw that they were looking at something...or rather someone

Being the curious idiot he is, he followed their field of vision and his gaze fell on you, he was shocked, he never knew there was someone like you in the class

'Pretty, ' Sawamura thought as he watched you flip a page from your book, reading it quietly.

As you were reading, you felt someone's gaze was on you, causing you to look up and make eye contact with Sawamura

'Wha?' You asked yourself as Sawamura seemingly glared at you

He then abruptly stood up and walked towards you, making your eyes widen in fright and you held the book tighter, ready to beat him up with it

"Who are you?!" He asked you loudly, causing your eyes to widen at the number of students that turned their attention toward you

You turned your attention back at Sawamura who was looking at you determined making you mentally sigh and decide to just go with it

"I-I'm (Last name) (First name)," You introduced yourself  as he bowed, almost hitting your face on the way

"I'M SAWAMURA EIJUN, NICE TO MEET YOU (FIRST NAME)-CHAN!" he announced as his face flushed a deep shade of red

Because of his silliness, You giggled quietly, causing the red-faced southpaw to look up and turn a darker shade of red

You being classmates for months, you've always got the idea that he was a baseball-loving idiot and didn't care about anything else other than baseball. But you've always did admire his passion for the sport, how he would work hard to achieve his goals and give the team the support they need

You smiled at him, surprising your classmates as they stared at (first name), the most beautiful, smartest, and quietest girl in the class smiled at Sawamura

"It's nice to meet you too, Sawamura-kun."

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