Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader

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This was requested by @fueboo and was inspired by the image above and the fact that Chris looks absolutely amazing with his hair down (or up, honestly the guy looks good in anythingXD)...although I wouldn't mind seeing him in a suit 🤤....anyways away from the simping . This fic is pretty much self indulgent but I hope you like it!

I also noticed that in the first few fics I have, I misspelled his name, I'll change it but honestly this book lasted 2 years without me doing anything about it

Anyways that's all!

Stay safe and enjoy~


You sit by the bench in the park, scrolling through your social media as you wait for Chris

"It's not like him to be late," You mumble after a few more minutes, checking your phone for the time

"He's ten minu—"

"(First name)!" You hear his voice, making you beam as you turn to look at him

"Yuu-oh my god!" You let out a loud screech upon seeing your boyfriend

"Does it look bad?" He asks, trying to sound calm but you could spot the slight pout on his lips

"Yesterday I was told that I look too old so I asked my junior from Seidou what I should do and he said this," He explains while you still stare at him

'Thank you so much past self!' You mentally say, 'You probably did something so good to the world that I ended up with this guy!'

"...Are you listening?" Chris asks as you snap back to reality, grinning at him and holding his face with both of your hands

"Sorry! My boyfriend's just way too handsome for me to handle," You giggle, pecking his lips

When you let go, Chris finally smiles

'Too pretty!' You yell inside your head

"Should we go?" He asks and offers you a hand which you cheerfully take

"I never got to ask you but who was that junior?" You ask as both of you walk

"Sawamura Eijun," He replies and you remembered him mentioning the name a few times

"You know," You hum, "I've never met the guy but I already like him."

Chris chuckles at your answer, he did see you getting along with the pitcher 


"Say cheese, Yuu!" You tell him as you hold up your phone

You were now in the cafe you both decided to check out, it's been a thing for the two of you to visit cafes together

"This one's definitely going to be my lock screen." You show him the photo of him smiling as he takes a drink from his coffee

"This one's definitely my home screen," you show him a different photo when he was eating the chocolate cake he ordered

"I'm taking it that you like me with my hair down?" He humd, taking a napkin to wipe the cream that got on the corners of your mouth

"Definitely, this look is both a curse and a blessing." You reply, before thanking him for cleaning you up

"A curse and a blessing..?" He asks, looking lost

"A blessing cause you really look handsome with it," You wink at him as he smiles at your antics

"But a curse cause so many people, both girls, and boys—" You point out, glaring at the girls behind your table who keeps on eyeing Chris, "—keep on checking you out," You finish with a pout and Chris chuckles, not able to handle how adorable his girlfriend is

"Don't worry, I'm not looking at anyone else but you," He reassures you and reaches for your hand on the table to hold it in his

You feel your face heat up, not only because of his show of affection but also because of his words, "Damn you! When did you learn to be so cheesy!" You whine as Chris laughs

"I may have also asked some people that."

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