Kominato Ryosuke X Reader

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"You really suck at this, (first name)," Ryosuke teases, while both of you skate... well he was skating, you were on the side and holding the railings for your dear life

"Shut-shut up! It's not my fault that I'm no good at thi—whoa!" You exclaim, suddenly slipping, you would have fallen if it wasn't for the fact that Ryosuke managed to catch you before your butt could fall onto the ice

"Jeez, come here," he mutters, holding your hand and leading the way, making you gulp 

'Jeez, is this really a good idea?' He asks himself, worried that this date may be the cause of an injury, but as you were skating he saw your determined eyes making him smile

"Ryo, I don't think this is a good idea!" You exclaim, but he just holds your hand tighter and pulled you towards the middle

"See, you can actually do it." He smiles, still holding your hand in his

"Yeah—Woah!" You shout, falling on your butt and pulling Ryosuke down with you

"I spoke too soon," he mutters, causing you to look at him blankly

"I told you so."

After that you both decided that it was time to go back to school, as both of you were walking, Ryosuke's phone began ringing, you look over to see that Haruichi was calling him

"You know, you should answer that," you say, and he looked over to you and nod


And so he did, he answered the call leaving you looking around families, friends and couples enjoy Christmas together... and there was one that was making out, almost looking like they want to do it in public

You blushed and looked down the snow and look down, smiling mischievously, you looked over to Ryosuke who was about to finish his call

"Ryo," you call, catching his attention as you balled up a bunch of snow, when he finished his call, he placed back the phone in his pocket and looks over you

When he looks over at you, you grin before throwing the snowball at him, but to your luck, it hit his face

"(First name)," he calls, and from his tone of voice, you knew you were in trouble

'Uh-oh'  You take a step back while he grabs a bunch of snow, also making a snowball before throwing it at you, which also hits you in the face

You look at him with a grin

"You are so on, Kominato!" You shout, once again making a snowball and throwing it at him, that led to a full fledge snow fight

"That was fun!" You laugh, holding his hand and walking towards the dorm

"Yeah, it was," he agrees while you stopped in front of your dorm room

"Well, today was fun! See you soon Ryo," you say goodbye to him, but he didn't let go of your hand

"Ryo?" You wonder, looking at him who was looking above

"Mistletoe," he answered simply

"O—Oh," you mutter, blushing madly

You look up, before deciding to kiss his cheek, which just caused him to roll his eyes

"That's not a kiss,"

"It is," you argue, your face now red

"That's not the kiss I want," he replies

Placing both hands on your waist, he pulls you closer and presses his lips against yours, while you smiled against the kiss and wrap your hands around his neck to pull him closer

"Hyaha, This is a good idea!" Kuramochi said who was hiding behind a tree, feeling glad for his senpai who found someone

"Is it really?" Isashiki muttered watching you deepen the kiss making him look down with a red face,

Sorry if I didn't update yesterday! There's really no excuse I wasn't just feeling any motivation to write anything,

But I hope you enjoyed this one shot even if it's kinda simple

Also about the request, I know I should've put it in the disclaimer but as I read back, (I sounded so damn awkward there, I'm sorry...not that I don't but still, I hopefully made some progress?) but I'm request please say the character name, and say if it's fluff, angst, au or from a song inspiration but I'm not sure about lemon, (I suck at writing those) and some scenario? Not really the plot but I need to know what you guys want to be the one shot like... I'm not really sure if someone's going to request in the future but meh,

Thanks for reading this one shot! I'm most probably going to update tomorrow or later, thanks!

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