Narumiya Mei X Reader

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You hum to yourself as you walk down the halls of Inashiro Industrial when suddenly someone poked your sides

"He-Hey!" You exclaim as the person continues to tickle you, making you squirm and let out a giggle

"Stop!" You yell, pushing Narumiya causing him to fall over

"Jeez, (first name)-chan, you didn't have to do that," he teases you when he stood up while you roll your eyes at him

"What do you want, Narumiya?" You ask him, as he walks beside you toward class

"If I say you, can I have it?" He asked flirtatiously making you roll your eyes once more

"In your dreams Narumiya," you huff as you walked inside the classroom alongside him but stopped when you saw that almost everybody was looking, some glaring, some pouting, some sighing, some groaning while some were gaping

"Is everything...okay?" You asked them slowly while the guys stare while whistling at you and Narumiya

"Go get it, Narumiya!"

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

"Wha—" you trail off, looking above you just to see a mistletoe

'Seriously?' You asked yourself looking back and forth at Narumiya and the mistletoe

'Out of all the fan girls that this... person has why am I the one stuck in here?'  You mentally groan. Just thinking about the baseball team teasing you was enough to leave you flustered, what more is that... you have to kiss Narumiya

"Eh? (First name)-chan if you wanted a kiss, you could've asked me for one~" Narumiya teases you, making you flustered

"Shu-shut up! Why would I want to—"

"Sshh, just admit that you like me~" He said confidently making you roll your eyes at him,

"In your dreams Naru—What are you doing?!" You shriek, but he just grins, his right hand still around your waist while his other was on your chin, making you look up

"Cause I like you too," he says and kisses you 

Your eyes widened at the sudden action but then flutters close

Behind you, you heard cheering and wolf whistles, but you'll deal with that later


"So I heard, you had a kissing fest earlier," Carlos asks you, giving you a suggestive smile and making you kick him,

"Shut up! It's not like I had the choice!" You deny, carrying the baseball balls toward the storage room,

But that was a mistake,

"Oh (first name)-chan~" Narumiya called causing you to sigh


"You owe me a kiss~" he grinned, holding up a mistletoe


Hello peeps, I've decided that this week, up until January first, I'll update Holiday updates, it can either be about Christmas or New Years, I'll try to update everyday though I can't promise it can go as planned, or maybe I can also update twice, though the chances are thin,

Before I end this author's note and this is really random but just want to say thank you to kuramxchi , looking back at the comments, she's really nice and has even gave me confidence in my writings because of her comments, I'm not sure if she can read this but thank you so much kuramxchi, she also writes stories, I'm also not sure if you have read her work, most likely you have but if you haven't I suggest you do, her works are really good

That's all, happy holidays everyone! Have a good day!

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