Miyuki Kazuya X Sawamuras's sister! Reader

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This was requested by @Papayahhhh! I hope you like this one!

Stay safe and enjoy reading~


"This map Ei-oniichan gave me isn't really that helpful." You sigh, walking to Seidou. You didn't know what to expect when you asked him to give you directions but his drawings and instructions surely made it seem like you knew the place better than he does

It was a little after Fall and as you were finally entering High School, your parents insisted that you join your brother in Tokyo; aside from the fact that you could finally be together again, you could keep him in check. Not to mention, Seido does have a good curriculum for students

"Excuse me, is Sawamura Eijun here?" You ask a girl with her hair tied in a low ponytail


"Yes, I'm his little sister Sawamura (First name) so..."

"Huh?! He has a sister?!" She almost drops the jug of water she was carrying at the news

"I'm Haruno!" She introduces herself, "Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too Haruno-san," You bow


"There he is!" Haruno announces, pointing at Sawamura who was in batting practice

"Sawamura-kun!" Haruno call out a few times before Sawamura looks over

"(Nickname)-chan!" He exclaims, dropping the bat before he runs toward you

"Hey," You greet as he squishes you in his arms

"What took you so long? Did anybody hurt you?" He asks, looking around for any sort of injuries

"No, I just got lost." You frown and show him the photo he sent you that he made himself, "You need to work on both your drawing and direction skills oniichan."

"Wah I'm sorry (Nickname)-chan!" He yells, once again pulling you in his arms

"What's he shouting about?" Miyuki asks as he approaches the other third years

"Oh so that's his sister," Kuramochi nods

"You knew?!"

"I looked through his phone." Kuramochi laughs

'I'm so glad he isn't my upperclassman.' The players thought

"But seriously though he's her brother?" Aso asks in astonishment

"Seems like there's a difference in genes, neh?"

"Come on I'll introduce you to everyone!" He pulls you along, not leaving you any place to argue with him

"Everyone, this is my little sister!" Sawamura introduces you and pushes you in front of the first string

"Oniichan," You sigh, feeling your cheeks heating up but you already caught their attention so you really didn't have any choice but to introduce yourself

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