Sawamura Eijun X Reader

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New Year's Eve, a night where you would wait silently for the new year to come in the comforts of your own house... supposed to anyways

"(Best friend's name) do we really have to?" You groan, slamming your face on your pillow

"Yes, we do."

"Let me rephrase... do I have to?" You ask emphasizing the I

"No but you'll have fun," she reasons, causing you to roll your eyes, "besides you might meet a guy there," she reasons, and the first person to come into your mind is your crush, Sawamura Eijun

"Yeah sure," you huff, not wanting to remove yourself from the comforts of your bed, it didn't help that the weather was cold, the perfect weather to snuggle under the warm comforter 

"Come on!" She grunts, pulling you off your bed


In the end (best friend's name) won the argument and you found yourself wearing a red sweatshirt like a crop top, leggings underneath a black plain skater skirt along with a pair of black boots with your hair tied in a neat bun as you stand in front of some unknown classmate's house

"Do we really have t—"

"Yes, now come!" She commands, pulling you inside, "you need to socialize and make friends!" She said turning to look at you who's sulking

"And a party is the best way?" You asked her incredulously causing her to roll her eyes

"Come on!" She pulled and inside you were amazed at the sight of high school students partying to their heart's content but your eardrums were screaming for help because of the loud music playing,

'I wanna go home and lay on my bed, sleep then eat... maybe mourn a bit for the ship that never sailed,' you thought sadly, not noticing that (best friend's name) wandered off somewhere

"Huh? (Best friend's name)!" You call, walking around the house, often hitting someone dancing or glaring at guys who were looking

"Ahh!" A loud voice shouts when you accidentally bumped into them

"Sawamura-kun?" You asked, gaping at the boy

'He's into this kind of thing?'

'Eh? (Last name)-kun actually goes to this kind of place?'

"What are you doing here?" You both asked each other in sync making both of you giggle

"Kuramochi-senpai dragged me out of my room along with that Miyuki bastard, and decided to leave me," He sulks, making you sweat drop

"Have you seen (best friend's name)?" You ask him but he just shook his head at you

"This sucks, I want to go home, this place is too crowded," you say, murmuring the last part

"Do you want to go outside?" He asked you pointing at the door with his thumb

"Sure let's go!" You exclaim, pulling him towards the open place

"Finally, peace and.... please tell me they aren't making out,"

"They are," Sawamura answers. Now that you were outside you finally managed to catch a glimpse of what Sawamura is wearing,\

A white shirt topped with a gray cardigan with a pair of pants and black vans

'Hot damn, simple but effective nice job Sawamura-kun!" You approve mentally while Sawamura blushes, still staring at you,

'Cute, (Last name) really is beautiful,' he thinks to himself, turning a darker shade of red


"Hah! I wasn't staring at you! I wasn't!" He exclaims, making you giggle

"I think you look fantastic too," you complimented him and that was where your conversation started, first it was about baseball then mangas then your likes, and a bunch of random things

After a couple of hours, he takes out his phone to look at the time

'5 minutes'

'Should I?'

'No! I might embarrass myself!'

'Sawamura really is awesome!'

'I wonder if he likes me too?'

"A minute," he counts

"Hey, Sawamura-kun," you call quietly, making him turn to you with a grin on his face


"I like you," You blurt out, surprising  not only yourself but Sawamura as well

"I know you don't feel the same way about me—"

"Ten seconds"

"But I just want to say that I think your love for baseball is really admirable—"


"And your personality is amazing—"


"But you probably—"


Sawamura cuts off your probably by smashing his lips onto yours

"I-I also have feelings for you! (First name)-chan!" He exclaimed, his face just as equally red as yours,

"I-I hope you return my feelings!"

"Idiot! You already kissed me...besides I already confessed!" You say, a smile now laying on your pink lips

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks you while you nod, hugging him tightly catching him off guard,

'Well, this is a good way to start a year... I so owe (best friend's name) for this,'


That's it for the Holiday specials, I hope you it's enjoyed all the oneshots!


Credits to the artist, by the way!

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