Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hey everyone~

This was requested by @Pillow-Connoisseur and I hope you like it

It got much longer than what I originally had in mind so have fun reading I guess...?

That's all! Stay safe and enjoy 💕


"Senpai, what gives you the idea I have any connections with the baseball club?" You ask for the nth time as you walked behind your senior in the photography club

"You have a brother there," She said a matter of factly

"And don't even try to say anything, I see most of them talk to you during break times," She cuts you off even before you could say something

"Checkmate," You mumble

"We're here! Let's go (First name)!" Your senior cheers and pushes you towards the third year's room

You sigh and knock on 3-B's door

"Excuse me, is Miyuki Kazuya here?" You ask the nearby third year who nods and points at the captain

"Miyuki there's a 1st year looking for you!" He calls out and you feel yourself blush as almost everyone in the room turns to look at you

"Huh, (First name) actually came here," Kuramochi says and turns to Miyuki who also looks a bit shocked

"Excuse me senpai, May I talk to you?" You ask as Miyuki walks toward you

"Heh, do you need a favor?" He smirks and you feel your eye twitch, you had respect for him as a captain, cleanup, and catcher but sometimes he really can get on your nerves

"I-yes." You grumble before turning away from him

"Oh? What might (First name)-chan need with this senpai?" He teases while you scowl at him

"...We have a project at our photography club..." you trail off, "and we were wondering if you could help us with the coach."

Miyuki remains silent for a few minutes, if he was to be honest he already agreed to help you out but he just wanted to have a little fun and tease you

"Well if you don't want I can ask Kuramochi-senpai or Zono-senpai or onii-." You nod, you would've added your brother but he might go overboard with asking the coach favors

"I'll do it," He says before you could finish your statement, he almost forgot how close you were with the other members because of Sawamura


You remain silent as you fumble with your camera, you look around the team and saw all of them listening to the coach, who was informing them of the project, you caught sight of your brother who waves at you with vigor, a wide smile on his face while Kuramochi and the other third years makes devil horns behind him

You couldn't help but giggle and wave back at Sawamura. Aside from your club members, he was the most excited one when you told him about the project, 'He would finally show his coolness to his little sister.' He said

"Did all of you get it?" The coach's voice stops your train of thoughts as everybody's voice booms in answer to him

"Omg omg, we're actually doing this!" Kou, a fellow first-year gushes as you walked alongside her

"Right? We're actually going to be surrounded by good-looking boys with great bodies!" Fuyumi, another first year, says excitedly as she stares after the baseball club members, "Ara look at those great asses," She sighs and Kou giggles

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