Isashiki Jun x Reader 1

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Hi everyone!

So uh, before I start this was requested by Knooxx06 and heheheh I'm so sorry it took me such a long time (two years in fact...I'm guilty as charged sorry) and I'm not sure if they still read this book but I just wanna thank you for requesting! Even though it took me years to actually do it :'((

And heads up, this is 5k words without the author's note at the beginning and there's going to be a part 2, because I thought it would end up way too long if I write the whole story here

Oh and the shoujo mangas mentioned here are real, if you want you could give them a try! I enjoyed them but if you don't it's okay! Everybody has their own preferences

Another random thought but I'm still so bitter with Seidou losing at Inashiro, I know we have a new season and all but it really hits,,,, hard especially when they showed us that episode of the 3rd years, they really decided to break our hearts just like that :)

That's all, have fun reading~


Isashiki watches Yuki walking down the entrance gate with you, his little sister. It wasn't like he didn't know about you but he hardly talked to you, after all, you tend to hole up in your room whenever your brothers had any guests. The only time you actually go out is when you have to go to the bathroom or when your parents call you out to eat, those were the only times he actually met you so he was surprised to know that you were actually joining them at Seidou, moreover joining the team as a manager

"Oh, the Yukis are here," Ryousuke comments beside Isashiki as they watch the two siblings walk towards the high school building without exchanging any words with each other


"Will you be alright here?" Yuki asks you when the two of you were in front of class 1-B

You nod and smile at your brother to reassure him, "Oniichan don't worry, I can handle myself." You tell him but Yuki remains standing by the entrance of your room, staring at you expectantly as if he was waiting for something

You let a giggle slip as you wrap your arms around your brother for a hug

"Tell me if anything happens." He reminds you and he finally lets you enter the room

You take a deep breath before entering the room, upon going inside you could feel your hands shaking from nervousness. New school, new grade, new team, new classmates. Everything was unknown to you and you couldn't help but feel uneasy. You wouldn't call yourself a hermit but you did tend to shy away from strangers unconsciously

"Yuki!" You hear Haruno's familiar voice amidst the group of first years already making friends with other people in the class

"Yoshikawa!" You call out in surprise at seeing your fellow manager in class, but if you were, to be honest, you feel relieved knowing that you already have someone you're familiar with

"Seems like we're in the same class," She beams and you nod

"Can...can I sit beside you?" You motion for the seat beside her while she nods and let you place your things as you two settle in both your seats

"Wah I'm so glad I have someone I know!" She sighs in relief, "Yuki, do you think the teachers will be good to us? Oh later what do you think would the seniors let us do to help with the team?" It was obvious Haruno was excited yet nervous at the same time and once again you were relieved to know you weren't alone with all the nerves

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