Kataoka Tesshin X Reader

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"What are you doing here?"

"That's not really the type of reaction I expect from my husband I decided to visit in his work, you know." You answer as you place down the snacks you bought for him before proceeding to kiss his cheek

"You know what I mean." He crosses his arms across his chest as he stares at his wife carrying his unborn child in her belly

"You never had any problem with me visiting you here." You pout as Kataoka's eyes widen, he didn't want to upset you. Aside from the fact, an unhappy mother wouldn't be ideal for the baby, your mood swings aren't something ideal for him

"I'm happy that you went out of your way." He corrects himself, "I'm just worried about you and the baby," He says as he kisses your forehead and rubs your stomach

"But I wanted to see you." You say stubbornly, "I wanna watch you coach and I wanna see the kids."

"I-" Kataoka sighs, what were the chances of a stray baseball flying towards you right? Probably not as high as the chances of you crying because of him

"Alright, but make sure you stay away from any balls flying and make sure to watch your steps." He reminds you as you salute and kiss him

"Good luck for today Tesshin!" You grin as he walks out of his office with Rei and Outa


You walk around the field, chewing the nuts you got from the auntie in the kitchen, you watch as some of the boys would slow down and stare at your stomach, giggling at the reaction on their faces

But what got you more surprised was that how somehow whenever you walk to a particular place...they would stop what they were doing, either pitching or batting and when you finally move away, that's the only time they would continue

"Jeez did Tesshin order this?" You cross your arms as Sawamura walks by you, arguing with Furuya as Haruichi follows behind them, trying to stop them

"Hey first year trio!" You call out to them as they all stop on their track upon seeing you

"Good afternoon miss boss!" Sawamura salutes as you return the favor before patting the pitcher's head

"I haven't seen you in a long time you three!" You giggle before patting their heads, even making Furuya lean down so you can reach him

"Is it because of that?" Sawamura asks, pointing at your stomach

"Yep!" You grin before eating it softly, "Tesshin told me to stay away from the field at the time moment cause a ball might suddenly come flying," You frown before glaring at your husband who was currently talking to Yuki

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain from your stomach, causing you to hunch over

"AH MISS BOSS WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU HURT? IS THE BABY COMING OUT?" Sawamura panicked as Haruichi and Furuya were already hurrying to help you

Kataoka's eyes immediately went to your figure as Sawamura shouts, Furuya and Haruichi was leading you to a nearby bench so you can sit

"What happened?" He demands, worried as he kneels down and makes you face him, "Are you hurt? Did something hit you?" He asks frantically as you shake your head, hand still on your stomach

"I think the baby kicked," You say quietly before flinching, "He's got a really strong kick," You admit as Kataoka sighs in relief before his eyes shot wide open once again

"It kicked?" He asks as you couldn't help but giggle at his expression before moving his hand away from your face and towards your stomach

"There," You say as Kataoka smiles softly when he feels his child kicking his hand

"The baby seems strong," He says, still not removing his hand from your stomach

You hum as you look at the three first years who were all staring at you with curious glances

"Want to try touching it?" You ask them as they all look at each other and back at you reluctantly

"You sure you want them to..."

"Yes Tesshin, they aren't strangers so I don't mind." You smile at your husband who sighs, before standing up so that the three could feel your baby's kick

"Woah, he's a strong kid! As expected of boss!" Sawamura gives Kataoka a thumbs up, Furuya looks amazed as Haruichi chuckles at his friends reaction

Kataoka sighs at Sawamura before smiling when he hears you laugh at something one of the first years said

Fine, if you were going to be this happy when you were around his students, then he wouldn't mind you visiting once in a while

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