Narumiya Mei X Reader

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Hii everyone~

Another post after a long time :') this was requested by -BAEKOFF thank you for the request! Sorry if it took a long time but I hope you enjoy it :) and gosh I hope I did it like how you wanted

Oh and, it's already pretty obvious after my inactivity but I won't be accepting requests for the time being, turns out I actually still have some requests I still haven't finished so I'll be working on those first

That's all, have fun reading~


Narumiya taps his fingers on the table, resting his head on his palm, as his thoughts start to drift from the lesson toward you. A smile forms when the thought of you watching them train comes into mind. Maybe he could pull a Carlos and take off his clothes. Would that get you flustered? The thought made him giddy but he knew, it wouldn't work. Nothing ever did

He swears you're probably the most complicated girl he has ever met. While others were lining up to confess to him, you didn't. Even when he gave hints that he wouldn't mind if you confessed to him and that he might accept it but you never did. Even when he waited for so long, nothing ever happened. The thought that maybe you weren't interested in him crossed his mind so many times but he promised to himself that if that was the case, then he will make sure to make you fall for him... unless you found someone else

The bell rings as everybody fixes their things, Narumiya yawns as he waits for his fellow baseball players to finish, "You done?" He asks as he stands up and walks with them towards the cafeteria

Narumiya's eyes widen when he spots you sitting by one of the tables in the room, wasting no time he runs towards you. With a grin, he creeps behind you, planning to surprise you

"(First name)-chan~" He says playfully as he rests his hands on your shoulders

You jump in surprise and glare at Narumiya but instantly it vanished with a sigh. You could understand why Masatoshi looks so tired. As much as you cherish Narumiya as a friend, he could be quite taxing, with his enthusiasm and unending energy. It was hard to keep up even when you're already used to him

"What are you doing?" He asks, stealing a glance at your phone and seeing you were currently on Instagram

"Nothing." You say, avoiding looking at him as you turned your phone

"You're a bad liar." He snickers as he steals your phone and turns it on, to see that you were currently on Sanada's Instagram page. He was faced with a smiling Sanada making a peace sign while in the field and of course his eyes didn't miss the red heart which meant that you already liked the photo

"Since when have you known Sanada?" Narumiya asks, hiding his distaste as he hands back your phone to you

"W-well you know how the other week (Friend's name) invited me to a mixer?" You say while Narumiya nods, "I met him there and we talked and well... he was nice." You could feel your cheeks heat up as you remember that fateful day

Narumiya pouts but even before he could say anything Carlos and Shirakawa slides in front of the two of you


"Stop acting like a child, Mei." Masatoshi scolds his underclassmen who just huffs

"What happened?" He turns to you with a sigh while you shrug in response

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