Sawamura Eijun X Reader 2

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A month has passed and both you and Sawamura became close friends, often eating lunch together and partnering whenever there were paired up projects

You wiped the sweat that was falling on your face as you walked to the baseball field, planning to watch Sawamura's practice for the first time, not having the time because you've been busy for a month for (club name) club

"Woah who's that pretty girl?" Kuramochi asked as he saw (Last name) (First name) and blushed when his eyes wandered down to her chest area

Kanemaru, who was helping Chris with Sawamura, overheard his seniors talking and because of curiosity, looked over to where his seniors were looking and saw you

"(Last name)?" He asked himself, not noticing that his senpais heard him

"You know her?" Isashiki asked as Kuramochi and the others walked toward him, wanting to know more information about this beautiful girl


Upon hearing your name come out of Kanemaru's mouth, Sawamura's head turned to you eagerly, when he saw you, his eyes shined in happiness as his face lightened up

"(First name)-chan!" Sawamura shouted happily as he spotted you, you followed Sawamura's voice and saw him waving at you frantically, jumping up and down, making you smile

You giggled and waved back, "Good luck, Eijun-chan!" You shouted with a red face as he blushed, flustered because his crush not only watched him practice but also shouted words of encouragement, something that she doesn't usually do

"Thank you, (first name)-chan!"

The baseball team looked at Sawamura enviously, how did he manage to meet such a beautiful girl?

"Hya!" Kuramochi said as he kicked Sawamura behind making Sawamura fall to the ground with a howl of pain and red from embarrassment

You stared at the whole scene in bewilderment, watching as they continued to harass Sawamura, not knowing if you were supposed to help him or just continue watching

"Is-is he gonna be okay?" You asked yourself as you continued to watch the scene unfold in front of you and you noticed how each one of them wasn't really planning to break his bones and have his head for dinner

A guy with a stubble now has Sawamura in a headlock and you watched Sawamura was begged him to stop

You shook your head and smiled, knowing full well a club can be a family in a school and continued watching the baseball team


"(First name)-chan!" Sawamura yelled as you stopped and waited for him to catch up to you

It was a Friday, you had been going to the field to watch him practice for the whole week, much to Sawamura's pleasure

"Yes, Eijun-chan?" You asked as he stopped right in front of you and blushed

"Eh-eh ah," he stuttered out as a start as you frowned at him and placed a hand on his forehead, checking if he was sick, partially cause he seemed shy and the other because he looked red

"Go on a date with me, please!" He shouted as people around the hall looked over to you, who was also red in the face, and Sawamura, who now is bowing

"Eijun-chan, don't bow." you said as he looked up to you with a pained expression

"Does that mean—" he started sadly

"Yep, I'm going on a date with you" you answered, smiling at him as he took on what he just heard

"Eh?!" He answered, surprised as you giggled

"Yes, Eijun-chan, don't you want to go on a date?" You asked him, tilting your head to the side as he shook his head

"Oi Sawamura!" One of his seniors shouted

"I-I'll see you tomorrow, (First name)-chan!" He shouted as his senior in the club came to get him

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