Kawakami Norifumi X Reader 2

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You look ahead, your face showing determination as you walked toward the baseball field

When you reached the field the whole team stares in amusement as they watch you nod at their coach with a glare on your face while their coach nods back, his face filled with uncertainty

They watched as you look around the field, eyes squinting as you navigate the field, looking for the person you were looking for

"Nori-chan! Come with me!" You announce upon spotting him and walking towards him, gripping his hands and pulling him to a secluded place

"(First-first name)." he stuttered, surprised at your actions as you continued to pull him, leaving the poor sidearm pitcher to follow your lead

"I have something to tell you," you announce, stopping for a moment as you stared at him, your face flushing red at the sight

"Oh-Oh? I-I do, I do too," he stammers out nervously, his hands getting sweatier and sweatier as moments passed

You looked around to see if anybody was watching, and upon being sure that there was nobody, you decided that it was the right time to announce your feelings for him

"Nori-chan, I like you and I hope you accept my feelings!" You exclaim, your face turning redder as the words leave your lips

'How?' Nori asked himself as he watched you, 'how can she be so confident and say her feelings when I can't even say a word to her, how?' He ponders, staring at your red, determined face

'No wonder I like her!' He thought, his heart fluttering when the words sunk in after a few moments

"No-Nori-chan?" You asked, tucking a strand of hair nervously, watching him stare at you

"(First name) I-I like you too." He stutters, his ears turning red along with his whole face

"Eh? Really?! Will you go on a date with me then?" You asked him excitedly while he just blushes harder

'I was planning on asking you!' He exclaimed silently but he managed to keep his cool

"Please, please Nori-chan! Let's go on a date!" You exclaimed making him smile

"Okay, (first name)." he agrees, making you smile and making the pitcher's heart beat faster

"See you then!" You said, kissing his cheek and causing him to turn red at the sweet gesture

"Yeah, see you." he smiles as you looked at him weirdly before pulling him towards the field

"Come on Nori-chan, we still have practice!" You announce as you drag Nori towards the field

'This is going to be tough' He thinks to himself, funny enough, happily.

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