Tanba Koichiro X Reader

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"So you hit someone?" Yuki asks as you sit with the third years in the baseball club

"I did!" You say, "And I regret nothing!" You announce proudly as the others simultaneously sigh at your response

"Why did you hit him?" Chris asks as you glance at Tanba for a second, which is something he didn't miss, before turning back to Chris

"I...just felt like it." You grin, "I wanted to check out my punching power, I was worried that I might lose my almighty right hook." You punch the air as everybody at the table sighs again

"You can't punch somebody just because you feel like it."

"Well I did, and I did it well."

"You shouldn't be proud of punching someone just because you felt like it."

"Well, I am." You hold your head up high

"You shouldn't get caught if you punched someone because you felt like it." Isashiki butts in the conversation as half of the table glares at him

"What? It's not like we can stop this idiot!" He points at you who shows them a peace sign

"That's not the point." Chris sighs, "(First name), because of this, you might get in trouble and you might not be able to play in the next game."

"It's still a might." You say, trying to be optimistic

"Let me rephrase that," Chris says after a minute

"There's a big chance, almost 70-80 percent that they'll pull you out of the  next game."

You were silent for a minute before you answered, "There's still a 20-30 percent chance that I will?"

The whole table just gives up


"So what was the reason?" Tanba asks as you two walk back to your class

"I told you it's because-!"

"That's a lie." He says as he looks down at you, "I've known you since we were kids (Nickname)-chan, I know when you're lying."

"Fine," You grumble, "I didn't like the way the other team was talking shit about you, okay?" You admit and look up at Tanba

"Those brainless idiots talking shit like you're weak when you're not! They kept on saying that Seido doesn't have a chance and..." You trail off as you notice everybody in the hall staring at you

"...I just hate how they look down on you." You say honestly, "Tanba, you're a hard worker, and hearing them disregard you just doesn't feel right."

"Thanks," Tanba says after a minute as you look up at him, "I'll try talking to the coach and see if I can ask him to let you play."

"You will?"

"I will."

"Can you actually do it?" You muse out, remembering how scared Tanba was of the coach in his first year

"Of course, I will."

"Really?" You continue to tease

"Yeah, I will." He says, "I'm the ace, you can count on me." He smiles softly

"Fine, ace-sama I'll trust you on this one." You agree as you two continue to walk

'And to lead us this summer as well.' You add inside your head

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