Kuramochi Yoichi X Reader 1

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"You-chan!"You called causing the shortstop to halt from talking to Miyuki and turn to look at you.... more like glare but you couldn't care less, Well it's not like you noticed it

"(Last name)," He mutters as Miyuki laughs at him

It was no secret that you were a very optimistic person, maybe the second one that Kuramochi met other than Sawamura and like Sawamura, you can be quite an airhead and loud. Though most founds you're innocence and sweetness adorable, there are some who find it annoying

"What do you want?" He asked exasperated, wanting to roll his eyes but also not wanting to hurt your feelings

"Have you eaten yet?" You asked making him sigh in annoyance, already getting pissed at you and your questions

"Yes (Last name)," he answers, turning back to Miyuki who was watching the whole scene with an amused look on his face while you just pout at his response

"Really? I was hoping to eat lunch with you, but oh well. See ya then!" You shouted and you walked back to your classroom

You sat down on your seat and started unpacking your lunch, you've spent at least 15 minutes looking for Kuramochi, who you considered your closest friend

You both met a year ago, both of you were just a bunch of first years, it was cliche but that was what made it special to you. You both met when both of you were partnered for a project and had to spend time with each other, since then you have considered Kuramochi your closest friend and as time passed, you started developing feelings for the lead-off man,

Growing up, you never had friends, partially because most people thought you were weird and the other because you were homeschooled, so when he did an act of kindness, you got the idea that he wanted to be friends, just like in the movies.

"Maybe I should go to his practice later?" You asked yourself and continued eating, a smile now laying on your lips as you planned on cheering for him later on


You skip out of the library, holding the book that you borrowed, planning on reading it tonight

But before you could take another step, you bump into somebody and the book that you borrowed fell on the floor with a loud thud

"Sorry," you apologized getting the book and standing up

"Hey, you're the girl who's always annoying Kuramochi-kun!" A girl announces loudly as you stare at her curiously, cocking your head to the side

"Sorry?" You asked as she just sniggered as she stared at you up and down

"You're the girl that Kuramochi-kun always says that keeps on following him." She cackles making you frown at her statement

'You-chan, find me annoying? That's a joke!' You thought happily

"That's impossible," you answer as she just continues laughing

"You know, you're really pretty but really dumb," she said and before you could say anything, she turned around, her hair flying and hitting your face, and walked away

"You-chan, wouldn't say that about me," you said, shaking your head and walking towards the field


"Senpai, are you and (Last name) dating?" Sawamura asked as Kuramochi laughed

"Her? Why would I go out with a girl as weird as her?" He asked as your heart stopped

'So it was true,' you thought sadly, your voice faltering as you suddenly felt embarrassed going to the field

"Honestly, she's a pain! Always following me and annoying me like you!" He said, giving Sawamura a kick at his behind, causing the southpaw pitcher to howl in pain

You turn around and walk away, not bothering to let him know you heard everything

'Not like he cares' . you thought sadly, looking down as you walked

"Hello, (Last name)." Kawakami greets you, as you gave him a small smile

"Hey, Kawakami-kun," you greet him back and continue walking towards your house

'I guess, I really am weird, a nuisance, and dumb,' You think to yourself as you continue to walk towards your house

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