Sawamura Eijun X Reader

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"Sawamura, I think you're a great person!"  You say as you close your eyes, scared to see what his reaction was 

"I think you're a great person too, (First name)!" You open your eyes as you stare at him, grinning widely before jumping into his arms 

"I'll make sure you'll have fun with me." You say with determination

"I already have fun with you though," Sawamura says as you feel your heart jump out of your chest


"Eijun!" You call out to him, running at full speed before jumping to hug him

"You were so cool there!" You praise him, "The batter couldn't even do anything!" 

"Thanks (First name)! You were also good at cheering! I can hear your voice up to the dugout!" He laughs 

"Of course, I'm here to cheer for you after all." You look up to him, Sawamura had an adorable appearance, and that was what first caught your attention, but there was also something different whenever he finishes a game

"Alright, that's enough, get on the bus." Kuramochi basically pulls Sawamura away and drags him towards the bus as Sawamura waves at you

"I'll see you later, (First name)!" He yells out

"See you too later!" You were grinning as the bus door closes

"My boyfriend's seriously too cute." You giggle, watching as Sawamura continues to wave at you from his seat

You weren't part of the team so you weren't allowed to join them on the bus, so once they were gone, you hold onto the strap of your bag before skipping towards the bus stop, even humming to yourself

"Stop that already!" Kuramochi flicks Sawamura's forehead, making the pitcher whine as he rubs his forehead

"Kuramochi-senpai, what was that for?!" Sawamura asks as Kuramochi glares at Sawamura

"She's not there already! Stop it." Kuramochi glares at him

"But just to make sure!" Sawamura was ready to argue but he shuts up at the sound of Kuramochi snapping his fingers

"Honestly, do we always have to watch your lovey-dovey showcase?" Kuramochi grumbles

Sawamura blushes at the comment before he rubs the back of his neck, "Do we really look like that?" He asks, but he still has a satisfied smile on his face

"Yeah," Kuramochi rolls his eyes, thinking that Sawamura was boasting about his relationship



"Really really?"

"I said yes al-"

"Then do you think she'll say yes if I confess?" Kuramochi (And the whole bus) suddenly turns quiet at Sawamura's question, even the adults on the bus were speechless at what Sawamura said

"What?" Kuramochi asks, "What did you say?" He asks, now genuinely confused

"Do-do you think (First name) is going to say yes when I confess?" Sawamura suddenly turns shy as he looks out the window

"Are you some sort of idiot? Aren't you two-Huh?" He feels someone's hand on his shoulder, looking behind he sees Yuki a solemn look 

Kuramochi sighs as he looks back at Sawamura, who was smiling and humming happily to himself 


"I like you a lot, please go out with me," Sawamura repeats to himself for the umpteenth time

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