Narumiya Mei X Reader

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Another request down 😆 you know I should apologize to everybody who requested in January-March cause it took such a long time to be written

That being said @ChibiMallows31 thank you for requesting 🥰 hope you like it!

Also, I heard that in the manga the next game is between Inashiro and Seido and when I heard that, I suddenly got flashbacks of their previous game, god that game broke me

This a/n got longer so I'll let you read now 😆

Stay safe and enjoy~


"There she is!" Narumiya exclaims proudly as he watches you walk towards the center of the gym

"That's my girl!" He cheers, not caring about anybody else, why should he? He's dating the most hardworking person he knew; spending hours in the practice room for your routine, doing exercises to boost your flexibility and dieting to maintain your shape, being so dedicated that sometimes you stay later than him and he has to pull you out so you could eat and rest

You hear your boyfriend's voice and smile, maybe it was because you've been dating for such a long time that he gave off a sense of comfort...even though you had to admit that his screaming is ticking some people off

"He-here I go!" You say with a shaky breath as the music finally started playing and it was time for your routine

Narumiya watches in awe, in his eyes you looked the most elegant out of all the dancers, the way you carried yourself shows how much you practiced for the dance

But as Narumiya watches you with heart in his eyes, you couldn't help but feel frustrated; you dropped the ball numerous times out of nervousness, you fell down on your butt twice and you could almost see the disappointment in your coach's eyes

So once your routine is finished and you bow at the spectators and judges, you immediately feel tears at the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill

Walking out of the room, you walk towards the locker room where nobody else was, everybody was watching the next performer

You finally break down, maybe it was the frustration or the pain you felt after all those falls but you couldn't keep it in any longer

"(First name)-chan!" Narumiya's loud voice echoes throughout the corridor, making you look up and sniff

"(First name)-chan?" His head peeks through the door and you could visibly see how his eyes lighten up at the sight of you

"Hey Mei." You greet, wiping your cheeks and giving him a smile, "What're you doing here?"

"I was looking for you," He says in a much calmer voice now as he walkd towards you and kneels in front of you, "Why are you crying? You did so well!" He comforts you but you just burst into tears once more

"No, I didn't!" You sob on his chest, "Didn't you see? I fell down! I lost my balance and even dropped the ball so many times!" You cry as Narumiya hugs you and rubs your back

"I spent so many hours practicing and I can't even do a simple routine like that! Am I that untalented?" You grip the back of Narumiya's shirt

Narumiya feels his heart break, not only because you look so broken but also the fact that he knows exactly how frustrating it is to fail

"That's not true," He says, his fingers now combing through your hair, "You did amazing that I couldn't take my eyes off you!"

Finally, you look up to him, "You're just saying that 'cause you're my boyfriend," You sniff but he shakes his head, "The routine you did wasn't easy, the experts nearby had commented that, and who cares about the errors? You picked yourself up with dignity and continued your dance!" He says, caressing your cheeks

"But the points that's going to be deducted—"

"Isn't going to affect that you were the best," He cut you off and kisses your forehead, "It's okay (First name)-chan! If you don't win today then next time! Besides, you'll always be the winner in my heart," He grins and you couldn't help but giggle at the cheesy line

"Thanks, Mei, sorry for wetting your shirt," You sniff as he shakes his head

"It's okay! You'll be taking it off la-" You punch his chest even before he could finish what he was saying

"Mei!" You whine as he laughs, you roll your eyes but smile at him, thankful that you ended up with someone like Narumiya

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