Sanada Shunpei X Reader

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Hello everyone!
This was requested by Knooxx06 thank you for requesting and sorry that it took some time!!

Oh and this is random but while I was writing this oneshot, I kept thinking of Nakanaka from Komi can't communicate

Take care and enjoy~

"Sanada, you don't have any partner?" Some people from Sanada's class asks, it was gym class and he had something else to do so he didn't get choose a partner with the rest of the class

"That's enough!" Their teacher shouts, "Everybody back to your pair! Sanada Shunpei, you can go with (Last name) (First name) she was the only one who didn't have a partner last session." The coach says as Sanada looks around

"Oof good luck Sanada." A guy in his class clasps a hand on his shoulder

"Thanks, you too." Sanada smiles, not understanding what his friend said, he continues to look around and finally his eyes land on you

Sanada jogs towards you who was looking at your classmates with a blank face

"Yes?" You ask when Sanada stops in front of you

"We're partners." Sanada smiles, "Sanada Shunpei, nice to meet you." He introduces himself as you look at his outstretched hand

"(Last name) (First name)." You answer after a few seconds, hardly holding his hand and not returning his smile

"Well, let's go join the others then." He starts walking towards the rest, only to stop when he notice that you weren't following him, "Uh...(Last name)?" He asks

"I'm fine with keeping my distance with everyone." You announce, "This way I can see their weaknesses." You laugh evilly as Sanada blinks

"We aren't having a competition you know." He chuckles, already finding you amusing

"There's nothing wrong with getting intel about possible enemies." You cross your arms, nodding in a self-assured manner while Sanada bites his lip to stop himself from laughing

You were, how should he put it? You were unique but at the same time fun and amusing, maybe it was a good thing that he wasn't able to attend the last gym class

"Alright, let's keep our distance." He agrees

"Good you saw what I meant."

"But it's gonna be hard to hear our teacher, and those people might get higher grades than us."

You stare at him before crossing your arms, "I understand your point of view, fine let's get a bit close so we can hear the teacher better." You walk closer with your head held high while Sanada follows behind you

You and Sanada follows the coach's instruction, it was a bunch of partner exercises, there were times where you ran out of breath and fell over but thankfully Sanada was patient

"You're not very athletic, are you?" He asks lightheartedly while he continues doing sit-ups, he was already above fifty and he didn't even look out of breath

"I prefer having my followers do the physical job for me." You scratch your throat, attempting to hide your embarrassment

"Followers, huh?" He grunts, "Care to tell me more about them?"

"Nope!" You answer cooly, "It's confidential, you might find things about me." You say

"Aren't you tired?" You ask after a few minutes, eyes furrowing in worry

Sanada smiles, noticing your worried expression, "I do this almost everyday, this is nothing."

"Not like I'm worried." You add

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