Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hey guys!

This is a request from @Blankshitalltheway thank you so much for requesting! It was fun to write! I hope you enjoy and like it even though I'm not sure if this was what you wanted,

Also, this oneshot may or may not have really many time skip so sorry about that

Request are open, if you guys have any please comment or message me with a bit of description on how you want it to be!

That's all enjoy!


"Haruno? Where are you?! The seniors are gonna get angry!" You look around the field for your fellow manager and saw her looking down at a figure,

"Who is—"

"(Nickname)-chan!" Sawamura exclaims, running towards you, "Are you going to stay?" He asks excitedly

You open your mouth to answer but a loud voice cuts you off

"Haruno, (First name) What are you doing?!" Sachiko asks

"The bus is leaving!" Takako exclaims, making you frown and look at your brother apologetically

"Sorry, Ei-chan but I can't really miss the game." You hug him, "but later we'll talk!" You reassure him making his eyes glimmer

"Okay then!" The both of you grin at each other

"(First name)!"

"Coming!" You yell and wave your brother goodbye before running towards the other managers that were heading towards the bus

You and your brother got in Seido because of Rei, when she watched the game where you and Sawamura started a slap fest, Sawamura was to be a player, you were a manager despite her insisting you also play as a catcher

"Amazing!" Haruno says beside you, making you giggle at her expression

You and the other managers were watching the Seido and Ichidai San game

"Haru-chan you're so cu—"

"So that's the famous Miyuki Kazuya!"

"Kyaaa Miyuki-kun~"

You turned your attention back to the field and cock your head to the side, "Miyuki...Miyuki where have I heard that?" You mutter to yourself, tapping your head

"Aha!" You whisper to yourself, remembering he was the guy your brother was talking about

"Ei-chan, you've been staring at that photo of a guy for a long time, do you like him?" You asked your brother who was reading an article about Miyuki

"HAH?!" He exclaimed, you sat on his bed and looked at him,

"I wouldn't wonder why though," you grinned making him close the magazine

"I don't like him!"

"Then why do you keep on looking at his photo since you came back!"

Sawamura glanced at the magazine and back at you and started explaining

That was the first time you heard of Miyuki, the other one was when Sawamura went to your dorm room, fuming because of what happened to him on his first day which according to him was because of the said catcher

"So that's Miyuki," You muse out as you stared at his running figure

Later in the evening, you were leaning against the locker when you notice a familiar face

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