Dad! Kataoka Tesshin x Child! Reader

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Hi everyone~

This is requested by Tajusia830 Sorry if it took too much time! And if the child is too...enthusiastic I think that's the part of the request that I didn't get to follow :(( But thank you so much for the request <33 hope you enjoy~

Have fun reading everyone and stay safe~




"-Papa up!" Kataoka wakes up with his daughter shaking him awake, your small chubby hands on his chest as you tried to push him

"Papa! I'm hungry." You pout at your father as you put a hand on your stomach to emphasize your point

Despite being groggy and still sleepy Kataoka couldn't help but smile at you as he finally sits up and messes up with your hair

"Anything you want?" He asks while yawning

"Hmmm, ice cream?" You smile innocently at your father who shakes his head

"Ice cream on top of pancakes?" You ask hopefully

"You can have pancakes but no ice cream." He pats your head as he moves to leave the bed to begin his day by making you, his daughter, breakfast

He follows you down the stairs towards your apartment's kitchen, sitting on one of the stools while Kataoka starts to cook your breakfast, Kataoka couldn't help but chuckle when he hears you singing one of those songs from the cartoon you like to watch on the television

Mornings like this really make his day


"I'll see you later, okay?" He pats your head and finally lets you run towards your teacher who was waiting outside for her students, your baseball theme backpack shaking as your small legs moves

He nods at the teacher as the teacher smiles at him politely, reassuring him that if anybody ever points out and makes fun of the lack of maternal presence in your life they will get in trouble, yes he knows that you already reassure him (He didn't know how to feel having his 4 years old child reassuring him) that you didn't care about those comments but still, he wants to make sure you were alright

He turns around, ready to head to Seidou when  he hears you call out to him:

"Papa!" You yell, causing him to turn around to face you just to see you holding your arms up at him. He gulps, he thought you were already used to being left in daycare and that you wouldn't throw a fit anymore

He picks you up cautiously, "Bud, you know you-"

"I'll see you later papa!" You giggle and kiss both of his cheeks, cutting him off as you wriggle out of his arms and run back to the door, "I'll see you and oniichans later!"

Kataoka follows your small figure as you enter the premises of the daycare, of course, not after waving at him goodbye again


"Our future key player is here!" The club president yells once he caught glimpse of you skipping towards them, the front of your uniform stained with what looks like chocolate

Kataoka was glad to finally see his lovely daughter, but he wasn't sure how to feel knowing he once again had to remove a large stain on your clothes

"Hi Rei-chan, Oota-san and papa!" You greet happily, Kataoka was about to open his arms for your hug but suddenly you were looking behind you

"Yuki-chan!" You call out, as you run towards the captain, jumping in his arms and hugging him tightly

"I think (First name)-chan likes the captain too much." Rei chuckles while Kataoka raises his eyebrows

"She's 12 years younger than him." He points out

"It's normal to have crushes," Rei says

"She's too young for that." Kataoka couldn't help but frown, it's true, you were only 4 years old, how could you know things such as crushes and such? He remembers that the first time he ever liked someone was when he was 16 and he was already in high school

He didn't even notice the club president and Rei snickering at each other as they notice his sudden change in demeanor


"(First name)-chan!" Sawamura exclaims

"Go Ei-oniichan!" You cheer, waving the pompoms that the managers even made for you so you could cheer for the team both in practice and in official games

"Go! Go! Seidou! Whoo!" The team couldn't help but smile at your small figure who was trying to copy the cheerleaders' poses, even the players who are considered to be scary and serious couldn't help but crack a smile at your enthusiasm

Kataoka attempts to keep a straight face but everybody could see his tough facade slowly crumbling at the sight of you cheering for the team, with the small blue pompoms in your hand as you yell loudly whenever something happens on the field 

Once break time comes, Kataoka watches as the team surrounded you to get food from the tray the managers gave you (It had a smaller portion of food so it wouldn't be too heavy) his eyes didn't stray away even when you pulls the remaining food away from the other guys to give it to Yuki instead. Thankfully the captain accepted your food and even pat your head which made you smile widely


"It seems like (First name)-chan got tired." Rei chuckles as she watches you doze off on the couch in the coach's office

"Seems like she did," Kataoka mutters and Rei takes note at how Kataoka's face seemed to soften whenever he looks at you, she smiles to herself, the coach really had a soft spot for you

"We should go home." Kataoka bid Rei goodbye and went toward you to pick you up

"Papa, I'll hit many balls when I grow up!" You announce with your eyes still closed as you make a motion as if you were holding a bat

Kataoka couldn't help but chuckle as he moves a strand of hair from your innocent face, a small smile on his lips as he cradles you in his arms as gently as he could, so he wouldn't have to wake you up

Kataoka was thankful, yes he didn't have the best marriage and wife, she did leave him so suddenly, but he did have the best daughter, and perhaps for him, that's enough to have a good life

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