Kominato Haruichi X Reader

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Hi everyone! Back again with another oneshot~
This was requested by @Papayahhhh thank you for requesting!

Enjoy and stay safe everyone!


Zono stares after Haruichi, noting how it seems like the younger Kominato looks nervous

"He's gone again?" Ryousuke asks Zono who nods, "Oh? Is he hiding something?" Ryousuke asks, raising an eyebrow at the thought

Haruichi takes a deep breath to calm himself down before meeting you in the dugout

"Haruchi!" You call out to him with a bright smile

"Hey, (Last name)-san." He greets you as you frown before hugging him

"Jeez, Haruchi I told you to stop with the formalities!" You scold him upon moving away, "Just call me (First name) or (Nickname), or if you have a pet name for me then I wouldn't mind it either~" You tease him, enjoying how red he was at the mention of pet names

You two have been going out for a month, often meeting in the dugout whenever the day was about to end—him done with his training and you with managerial work

There wasn't much of a reason why you two hide in the dugouts, it was simply because both of you knew how much teasing you two would have once the news about your relationship came out. With the managers and players combined, you and Haruichi were sure peace was never going to be an option

So as long as you could, you two try to hide your relationship

"You were so cool earlier! Look!" You gush before showing him a clip of him batting

"Thanks!" He beams as you giggle and lay your head on his shoulder


"Oh, you're here Haruichi." Ryousuke smiles upon seeing his younger brother

"Oh good evening, aniki." Haruichi's eyes widens behind his bangs as his brother hums

"Where were you?" Zono asks

"You missed it earlier, Miyuki was hit with Bakamura's curve ball!" Kuramochi laughs and soon the other players follow after him

Haruichi laughs along nervously, noticing his brother's curious gaze on him


"He's definitely meeting someone," Ryousuke mumbles, watching as Haruichi leaves the cafeteria door, making an excuse that he had something important to do when Sawamura asked him where he was going

It has been almost three weeks of Haruichi sneaking out to meet you at the dugout and two when the team started getting suspicious at Haruichi's rendezvous

"Haruchi? HARUCHI!" Sawamura calls out

"Huh? So what?" Isashiki asks, chewing his food

"Nothing~ Just wondering how good he got at hiding things." Ryousuke smiles and brushes it off but in reality, he was worried, why is there a need to hide it from them? The thought of someone dangerous or bad hanging out with Haruichi didn't place well with Ryousuke

"Sawamura," Ryousuke calls Sawamura who turns to him

"Yes, onii-san?"

"Wanna find out where Haruichi's going?" He smiles that smile of his that sent shivers down people's spine

But Sawamura, a sweet soul, didn't notice and grins back at Ryousuke, "Let's do it! Onii-san!"


"Oi are you sure you want to do this?" Isashiki asks Ryousuke

"Furuya if you're that tired then just sleep!" Sawamura scolds Furuya but Furuya ignores him, also curious about where his friend kept on going at night

"Hyaha is this a brother's intuition, Ryou-san?" Kuramochi asks, tagging along with the small group

"Zono are you sure you don't know anything?" Ryousuke asks Zono who shakes his head

"Ryou-san whenever I ask he just says that he's out training!"

"Isn't he?" Yuki wonders

"Tetsu-san, Jun-san, Kuramochi...Why are you here?" Zono couldn't help but ask, also motioning to the other members who tagged along

"Huh? Cause!" Isashiki exclaims

"They want to know what's up!" Sawamura nods

Back at you and Haruichi, you were once again resting your head on his shoulder as Haruichi plays with your hands

"Do you need anything, (First name)?" Haruichi breaks the silence with his question, making you look up at him

"No, not really. Why did you ask?"

"You just seem really quiet today," He chuckles nervously

You hum, "Well now that you asked it, I think I do want something!" You grin and straighten up before looking at him

"What is it?"

"I want a kiss." You point at your lips as Haruichi's eyes widens, face turning as pink as his hair

"Are you sure?" He fumbles with his hands as you nod


"O-okay then." He leans in towards you as both of you closed your eyes, waiting for the moment your lips finally meet

"So this is what you've been up to." Ryousuke's voice cut from behind you two that you broke away in an instant

"Aniki?!" Haruichi asks out in surprise as behind Ryousuke somebody gasps

"Haruichi!" It was Sawamura whose eyes were so wide, looked as if he caught the biggest scandal of the year

By now, Haruichi looks behind and pales at the sight of his teammates looking at him, Isashiki and Yuki had the most surprised faces, Kuramochi was laughing, Zono's mouth was wide open, Furuya was wide awake and Sawamura still had that same look, as some of the other ones were whooping behind, saying things like: "Get it Kominato!"

"(Last name), right?" Ryousuke turns to you as you bow

"At your service, senpai."

"How long has this been going on?" Ryousuke asks

"A month." You reply as Haruichi tries to process everything that's been happening

"So you two have been going on for that long huh?" Ryousuke smiles and turns to Haruichi

"We'll talk later in your room." He says to Haruichi, "If you two want, I'll let you continue." Ryousuke says cooly

"Want us to leave?" Ryousuke asks, his tone suggestive as he motions for the others behind him. Haruichi's face once again heat up, if they were already teasing him like this, then he was scared to know what happens the following days

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