Seto Takuma X Reader 2

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Hello everybody, this is the part two of the Seto x Reader fic requested by Yyuridiar!

Enjoy and stay safe!!

You watch as the team play, taking a sip from the bottle of water you were holding just as Seto jogs past you

He slows down and waves at you before going back to his pace

You two became a lot closer after you have been going to his room to play games

Did you brother know? You weren't sure, but you had the idea that he does. After all, they are best friends and they probably tell each other a lot of things and if he doesn't, who cares? The two of you were just playing anyway, there's nothing wrong with that


"Are you going to the sports store tomorrow?" Your brother asks you as you were passing food to the other members

"I am." You nod, "Do you need anything?"

"I'll come with you, I need a new glove."

"...What?" He asks as he looks at you who held an expression that looked like you were both curious and restless

"Is...Is Seto-san coming?" You ask him, trying to meet his eyes but you felt too shy to even look at him

"Taku? Yeah, he said he was coming too, he said he wanted new shoes." He replies, "Why the sudden interest?" He asks as you cough

"Just wondering." You try acting nonchalant before using your fellow manager as an excuse to get away from your brother

'Why am I even nervous when here's nothing to be nervous about? We're just hanging out in his room! Shouldn't he be happy that I'm getting closer to his best friend?' You thought to yourself as you pull Haruno with you

"(First name)-chan?" She taps on your shoulder

"Oh senpai, sorry for suddenly pulling you." You apologize before letting go of her hand, causing her to almost fall over the ground

"It's okay." She wipes her pants, "Everything okay? You were muttering a bunch of stuff back there." She asks before chuckling, "Something about hanging out with your brother's friend or something?" She thinks out loud as your eyes widen

"Senpai, aren't you just hearing things?" You ask her as she looks at you with a confused look on her face

"No, I'm pretty sure I heard you right." She says, eyebrows still furrowed

You panic as you look around to see if you can see anything that can help you get out of the situation

"If you need any help then—"

"There! Senpai look someone's got hurt!" You point at the dugout where someone's arm was bleeding

Haruno gasps before giving you an apologetic smile as she runs towards the dugout, even tripping on the process


"You here to play, (First name)?" Seto asks as he wipes the sweat off the sweat on his forehead while you nod

"Just a few more swing and I'll get back to you." He nods, swinging his bat once more and continuing his count from 90

You lean on the fence and watch him play, taking note of how his swings are getting stronger. He was already good even before entering high school but he's now getting better

"Why does everybody always bat until late at night?" You wonder out loud, of course you knew it was to become a better batter but isn't it also important to rest? Especially since their bodies are still growing?

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