Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader 2

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'(First name) go to the baseball field later' the note in your locker says

You furrow your eyebrows, the baseball field? Why would anybody ask you to go there?

Suddenly an impact made you almost fall over, if it wasn't for your reflexes you would've been on the floor with an aching butt

You look up and see Sawamura, the infamous first-year southpaw pitcher, of course, you would know him. With the scenes he made, he was quite an unforgettable first year

"Mo-morning! (Last name)-senpai," He bowes, stuttering, watching you smoothen out your skirt and give him a breathtaking smile

"Good morning, Sawamura-kun," You chirp

"Ex...excuse me (Last name)-senpai!" He shouts, making a run toward the first years' floor

You shake your head and giggle at Sawamura's silliness before continuing to walk to class

By the end of the day, you were beat, school work, assignments and other things that the teachers made you do really were energy taxing

You walked towards the locker and again, a note fell

'Please go to the baseball field' it said, making you heave a sigh, you almost forgot that you had a bit of meetup with whoever it was


"Hello?" You greet uncertainly as you look at the field that was now dark, with only the moon giving you light to look around

"What the—!" You shouted as someone suddenly put a sack on your head, covering your eyesight and the next thing you knew, you were trapped in a tire

"Hey! Let go! Whoever this is, I swear I will kill you!" You exclaim, struggling and kicking something

"I said—Woah!" You said in awe as you looked around the cafeteria of the baseball team,

It seemed like the baseball team fixed it and makes it look like a dating place, with fairy lights and candlelight surrounding the place, though they didn't manage to move the other table, the one in the middle was covered with white clothes while the middle held a vase with a bunch of (favorite flowers)

"Hello?" Chris' voice calls as he went to the room

"(First name)?"


"Did you make this?" Both of you asked each other at the same time

"No," both of you answer together

"What-what are you doing here?" You ask him as he shrugs

"Tetsu called me," he replies, "And you?" He asks awkwardly, shifting his weight from foot to foot

"Well, there was a note in my locker this morning," you explain as he nods in understandment 

"Well, maybe we should—"

"Hey look there's a note!" You exclaimed as you took the note from the table

'Just enjoy the dinner' it said, the handwriting sloppy,  almost unreadable. You giggle as you imagine Jun grumbling at both of you to enjoy the dinner

"What's so funny?" He asked you as you shrugged and handed him the paper

"I imagined it in Jun's voice." you continue to laugh as Chris chuckles, it does sound like his friend

"So, Do you want to....?" He trailed off, looking at you expectantly

"Yeah, I guess." you shrug awkwardly as both of you took a seat on your respective chairs

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