Seidou Third Years X Reader 2

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Hello everyone!

This is a continuation for the senior reader oneshot requested by @Purple_DeathDragon there's also going to be apart 3, I finished it already so it's most likely going to come out next week

That's all, I hope everyone's having a good day! Stay safe and enjoy!

You cross your arms as you watch Yuki continuously bat, as much as you want to stop him, you knew better than to do that

Just like Chris, he has this sense of determination around him that just screams. Besides, you knew he wouldn't listen, so why bother?

"Senpai, I didn't notice you there." He says in surprise as he goes for a run in your direction

"You did look preoccupied." You muse out and hands him a towel and a bottle of water, "I want to give you food but sadly Masuko and the others ate all of it." You chuckle, remembering the earlier chaos in the cafeteria

"Are you hungry?" You ask him kindly as he shakes his head


He nods

"Well if you say so." You sigh, "Don't stay out too late, if anybody comes for you then hit them with the bat hard, I have your back." You remind him as his grip on the bat tightens as he nods

"I got it, senpai." He nods as you chuckle before going inside the dorm, already thinking about your study sessions with the other members of your grade

You love their passion for Baseball but sometimes you can't help but wish that they had something besides their mind aside from Baseball so helping them study wouldn't be too hard

"Well, we can't have everything we ask for." You shrug before entering your room, yawning as you sit on your desk, stretching and stopping when your back cracked

"Wow, I'm really growing old." You sigh, feeling a slight pain in your back, "It will be gone by tomorrow." You shrug, taking a pen from your case and opening your notebook for Literature to create a reviewer for the others


Turns out the pain didn't subdue and alongside having an aching back, you also ended up having a stiff neck after falling asleep on your desk

"(First name), are you sure you're okay?" The current captain asks you as both of you walk towards the field, "I'm fine, it's just a bit of pa-"

"You shouldn't be saying that." He scolds you, "If you were a player then you would've ended up sitting in on the game."

"Good thing I'm not then." You reply simply

"But you're our manager and you're just as important as a player." He crosses his arms on his chest, "You need to rest."

"I'm fine." You argue, pouting as you stare at his stubborn face

"No, you're not."

"I have to help the other managers! Summer is coming up and I want to help as much as I can."

"What if that gets worse?"

"It's just back pain and stiff neck, it can't be that ba-"

"Oi first years!" He called out to some of the first years walking, "Come here!" He orders as the other first years look at each other before walking toward the captain

"Yes, senpai?" Fumiya asks as you look behind him to see Miyauchi and Tanba behind him

"(First name)'s hurt, if she needs to carry something then he-"

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