Matsubara Nao X Reader

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Hi hi! 

This is a request from JulieL23 thank you so much for requesting! I hope you have fun reading~

Oh, and I've probably mentioned this a lot of times already, but whenever I rewatch the anime for the oneshots, I get the urge to just rewatched the whole anime, maybe I will once I find the time

Speaking of anime, there's a lot to look forward to! Sk8 the infinity announced its 2nd season, Haikyuu's going to release 2 movies (Still wondering how they're going to fit all those chapters in those movies tho), One Punch Man announced its 3rd season, and I'm pretty sure Spy X Family season 2 is coming out this October, Chainsaw Man's going to have an anime (I haven't read the manga but I heard it was good) Jujutsu Kaisen and Tokyo Revengers announced some time ago that the anime was going to have a season two

This is also the 180th chapter of the book, just 20 more, and it's the end of this oneshot book! 

Anywayss, Enjoy reading and stay safe~


"Alright, so we have to watch out for that batter cause he has the tendency to hit home runs." You mumble to yourself, pausing the video recording of the game as you write the note down, it's been hours since you were watching, and you've probably replayed the game at least two times. But you only want to get as much information against the team as much as you can 

You've only been a manager for the Ugumori Baseball club for a month. When you first entered, you were expecting the rowdy people that you often hear rumors about...they were rowdy but at the same time, you could sense that they were a very tight-knit group of friends and that they were serious about playing Baseball, which pushed you to work harder as their manager

Even though it seems like they already had everything, from the strong players such as Umemiya, and reliable people that support them from the shadows such as Matsubara, you want to help them with everything you can 

"You're working hard." Matsubara says as he enters the room, moving his wheelchair on his own as he moves nearer to you, "Aren't you tired?" He asks, and you can detect a sense of worry in his words

"Huh? Nope! I'm good, please don't worry." You say politely, even though the team was very nice to you, you can't help but feel shy from time to time

"Well, if you say so." He says after a few seconds, "Thank you for your hard work (First name)." Matsubara smiles

"I don't really think I'm doing much though." You say shyly, "Bu-but still, thank you for saying that, Matsubara-san!" You add in a hurry, not wanting to make him feel like you didn't appreciate his gratitude because you did

Heck, among everyone on the team, Matsubara's words are what you deeply appreciate since he always seems so level-headed and smart towards the sport, not to mention, hearing his story made you respect him a lot

"Oh (First name), Nao! You two are here! Come on, we managed to convince the coach to buy us free food!" 

"The coach? Does he even talk?" You ask out loud, remembering the old man, he was nice but you hardly talked to him. But he was always pleasant with you

"He does! He even told us to buy anything we want." Umemiya grins proudly, "Hurry!" He calls out as he leaves the room 

"That was really nice of the coach," You comment before it dawns on you, "Wait! I should be the one to buy the food!" You panic as you run out of the room, ignoring Matsubara who was calling after you

Matsubara chuckles, pausing the video and following you out of the room

"I'll do it!" You announce as you reach the group, "You guys can just continue to rest or take a break, leave the snacks to me." You say to the others who stare at you

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