Kominato Haruichi X Reader 2

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You walk out of the room frowning, finally understanding that the reason that you acted that way with Haruichi is that you have feelings for him

Though that doesn't make it easier for you since he is your friend and you didn't want to ruin your friendship with him

You walked down the halls, looking down, still lost in your own train of thoughts, not noticing the stares you got from people

"Why do I have to like people? It's way too complicated!" you complain to yourself not noticing Sawamura behind you

"Eh? (First name)-chan, you like someone?" Sawamura asked, "Haruchi's going to feel—"

Upon hearing Haruichi's name come out of the southpaw, your cheeks turn red once more

"(Last name)-chan?" Sawamura asked as he stared at you who's face resembled a ripened tomato 

"Do you like—"

"Hey...hey! Look at the time!" You shouted and ran away from him, "see ya around Eijun-chan!" You shouted and ran off

'Phew.' you thought to yourself, wiping the imaginary sweat off your forehead

~Training at field~

"Haruchi!" Sawamura ran towards his friend who was taken aback by his enthusiasm... that wasn't about baseball but for him

"Eijun-kun, are you alright?" He asked Sawamura who instantly shook his hand

"Congratulations Haruichi! You asked (first name)-chan out!" He shouted, making the whole team overhear the conversation, and making Ryosuke raise his eyebrows and grin

"I-I didn't ask her out" Haruichi blushed causing Sawamura to let go of him in surprise

"But when I said your name earlier (first name)-chan blushed!" Sawamura frowns catching Haruichi off guard at the statement

'Does that mean...'

"Oi! Stop talking and go back to practice Bakamura!" Kuramochi shouted and kicks Sawamura, causing the pitcher to howl in pain

Haruichi shakes his head and also goes back to practice, his mind still on what Sawamura said

The next day, Haruichi was looking for you, wanting to speak to you about something, But you've managed to avoid him for half the day, until lunchtime

You huff and sat on the roof that overlooked the campus,

'This is tough,' You thought sadly, getting used to always talking to Haruichi and eating lunch with him

"(First name)!" He shouted when he spotted you sitting, looking at the whole school from the top

You choke on (favorite fruit) juice and started having a coughing fit

"He...hey! Haru-chan!" You greeted, gulping as he walked closer, both your faces red.

"(First name)...(first name)-kun, woul-would you like...would you like to-to go out with...would you like to go out with me?" He asked you, stuttering as he did so while you just blink in surprise, his question still sinking in

"You-you don't ha-have to." he continues, his face getting darker as seconds pass by

"Yes, I'll go on a date Haru-chan!" You exclaimed and jumped up on him

"I like you too Haru-chan!" You exclaimed and kissed his cheek, causing the pink-haired batter to blush

So Haruichi's over and I'm planning on making Isashiki next. Not sure if I would update today or tomorrow, though.

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