Yuki Tetsuya X Sawamura's sister! Reader

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Hello everyone!

This was requested by sleepyneen! Thank you so much for the requests! Hope you enjoy this one!

Have fun reading and stay safe~


"(First name)-nee!" You can hear Sawamura's loud voice calling after you, making you chuckle as you immediately crossed the road so you can give your little brother a well-deserved hug 

"You didn't have to pick me up." You pat his hair as he looks up to you, the wide smile never leaving his face as he once again jumps onto you for a hug 

You two did have quite a close relationship, you still remember how lonely you felt when Sawamura had to move to Tokyo for Baseball. But in the end, even if you were sad, you didn't say anything since you knew it could help Sawamura grow as a player 

But you were now in the same city, you just checked some potential apartments and the university you were going to, so now you had time to spend with your little brother 

"How long are you going to be here?' Sawamura asks, finally letting you go as he anticipates your answer 

"I guess, about two days?" You say, your school gave third-year students a week off to look into universities. Besides, it wasn't like you had anything else to do. Your exams already ended and all there was left was graduation 

"Yosha!" He cheers, even raising both his hands in the air

"Don't you have training?" You raise your eyebrows in amusement as he puts his hands down, you almost felt bad about reminding him when he looks like a dog that's been kicked 

"Well, let's forget about it for the moment, should we go?" You clasp a hand on his shoulder as he once again grows excited, even telling you about almost everyone on the team 


"So, you're his roommate, thank you for taking care of Eijun." You smile at Kuramochi who was gaping at you, frozen as he still tries to process the fact that Sawamura has an older sister. A very attractive older sister 

"Yeah, you can count on me to take care of him." He smiles as Sawamura furrows his eyebrows at Kuramochi, not used to how suave he looks

"Mochi-san, are you o-" Sawamura closes his mouth once Kuramochi turns to him, the charming smile directed at you turning into an evil one

"What was that, Sawamura?"

"Nothing!" He laughs, pulling your hand, "I'll introduce you to my master!" Sawamura pulls you out of the dormitories as you follow behind him, saying goodbye to Kuramochi as you let Sawamura take you

"The third years are in the cafeteria." He says, pulling you to the said place

"Master, I-huh?" He looks around the almost empty room, the only one there was Yuki, who seems like he was preoccupied with something

"Oh, leader!" Sawamura yells, running towards the former captain, with you following behind him

"Sawamura." Yuki looks up from the shogi board and up at you, giving you one glance before he looks back to Sawamura 

"This is my big sister!" He introduces you

"Nice to meet you." You wave at him as he bows politely

Your eyes trail from his face down to the shogi board that was on the table

"Were you playing with someone?" You ask him as he shakes his head

"I was focusing on the game and didn't notice everybody left." He frowns

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