Kuramochi Youchi X Reader 2

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Hello everyone! 

I'm so sorry this was a bit late, it completely slipped my mind since I was doing some things!

This is a part two of the Kuramochi oneshot where the reader was Miyuki's cousin, and it was requested by sleepyneen! Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you enjoy this oneshot <33 

That's all, enjoy reading, and make sure to stay safe!


Kuramochi checks his phone for the time, he was at the hill by the school waiting for you, and just like you said, he did dress up nicely 

"Where is she anyway?" He asks himself, already thinking that this was your way of getting revenge on him, by standing him up on your supposed date

"Wow, look at you looking like a decent man." Soon the doubts disappear as you appear in front of him

"What took you so long?" He asks

"Are you complaining?" You cross your arms as Kuramochi immediately closes his mouth, even shaking his head as an answer to your question

"Good." You nod, "But I took long because I was getting ready." You smile

Now that Kuramochi finally got a good look at you, you did look good in your clothes. It almost made him feel like he was underdressed

"I like your clothes, you look nice." You smile as you approach him, Kuramochi gives you a comprehensive look, not sure if you were being genuine or just messing with him

"I mean it." You say with a smile before holding out your hand, which he just stares at

"My god, is this what focusing on one thing your whole life does to you?" You roll your eyes before grabbing his hand in yours

"Wha-but!" Kuramochi was blushing, he was sure of it, and he knows that you noticed it as well, after all, the look on your face was a mixture of smugness and a hint of teasing 

"Don't act so awkward Mochi, honestly," You wrap your hands around his arm before grinning up at him

Kuramochi finds himself smiling lightly, even though you enjoy getting under people's skin and can be insufferable, you were also quite cute 

"The inexperience is definitely showing." That line makes him drop his smile as he glares at you while you just laugh at his expression

"I'm just kidding! I just want to make you feel better! Honestly, it's written on your face that you're still thinking about earlier." You say lightheartedly

"I thought you were still angry about that." He scratches the back of his awkwardly

"I'm more offended that you think I'll go out with someone like Kazuya." You say bluntly as he finally laughs

"You sure you should be talking about your cousin like that?" He asks, smiling slightly

"He's heard worse." You brush it off as he chuckles

"Really, I'm uh...sorry about thinking that you were some kind of cheater earlier." He apologizes sincerely 

"Yeah, I know. You already apologized earlier." You say

"I know but..."

"So this is how the former gangster gets when he feels guilty, huh." You cut him off, snickering at the expression on his face

"Awe, don't look like that. I like that about you too." You grin, moving closer to him and kissing his cheek

"How did you even find out about-" He stops mid-sentence once his brain finally managed to process how you just kissed his cheek, not to mention, did you just say you like him?

"If you're still feeling guilty, then just make sure this date will be worth it." You hum, looking proud of yourself for how you managed to fluster him

"Who knows maybe I'll go for the lips if I'm happy enough for today." You smile cheekily at him as Kuramochi turns a shade redder

Kuramochi may not have enough experience in dating- more so kissing, but shit, he might have to take you up on that one

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