Kominato Haruichi X Reader

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Hi hi~ I haven't written anything for the past months and I'm really sorry, it's been hectic and it still is and I can't really promise I'll start writing more frequently

But anyways, how is everybody?
Also this one shot was requested by @Blankshitalltheway it took a few months but here it is! Also, I don't think reader here was really sadistic, so sorry?

That's all, thank you and enjoy~

"Do you think he knows Kominato-senpai?" Sachiko asks Yui as they watch you tease Haruno, who was already red in the face, mercilessly

"Hey, why don't you tell him then?" You grin, "Is our little Haru-chan too shy? Want me to do something?" You grin at Haruno

"That's enough." Yui intervenes, "I don't think Haruno can get redder than she is." She looks at Haruno to see her face as red as a fire truck

"We were just having fun~don't worry senpai." You smile at them

"Alright, let's go okay? The team's break is coming up." Yui says as Sachiko handed you a tray filled with fruits

"Okay~" You hum, following the other four managers, the first years were already ahead of you while Haruno looks at you sideways, feeling her stare, you turn your head towards her, grinning, causing the latter to turn her head with a surprised yelp

Upon reaching the field, almost instantly the boys ran for the food and started getting food for themselves,

"(Last name)" Kanemaru greets you while you hum at him

"Don't tell me you're still scaring Haruno." He says as he looks at the girl who seems reluctant going toward you

"Her expressions are really amusing." You chuckle while Kanemaru just sweatdrops, remembering a certain senior he used to encounter

"(First name)-chan~" Sawamura greets happily while stuffing his face with onigiri

"You better make sure your training's worth it for all the food, Sawamura."

"Ye-yes." Sawamura gulps, watching you head towards the other team members

Haruichi who was watching at the sides, feeling someone watching you, you turned your head and caught Haruichi's eyes who in return looks away, a pink blush tinting his cheeks

You shrug and let the matter go

When night time came, you were on your way out of the school ground while humming

"Oof sorry," someone's voice apologizes causing you to look up and once again see a familiar pair of pink eyes

"Kominato... Did I get the name right?" You ask the male who nods meekly

"Are you...are you heading home?" He finally asks after a few seconds, you hum at him and nod, pointing towards the entrance of the school, "As you can see," You motion

"It's really dark," He frowns, looking back at you, still feeling flustered

"It's okay, I don't mind seeing any ghosts." You grin at him who smiles softly, catching you off guard

'He's really...he's really cute.' You think to yourself, still staring at the male

"That wasn't what I meant," he clarifies, "I-I mean what if there's a guy who would try to hurt you." He says

Now it was your turn to blush, not once did you think that someone would actually worry for you, more or less a guy

"I-I'll walk you," he suggests, looking shy, "If you want to." He adds while you still stared at him

"If you want to," You reply as both of you walk out together

"Shouldn't you be with the other members?" You ask as both of you walk along the sidewalk

"I just finished training." He replies still shyly making you stop and turn to him

"You know...you're really cute." You admit and notice the red on his cheeks, causing you to chuckle

Haruichi glances at you and immediately he looks away

'She's really beautiful.' He thinks to himself

The two of you continue walking towards your house, upon reaching you turned to him and smile

"Thanks for the thought Kominato, I look forward to seeing you next time." You grin at him and walk inside your house

Haruichi smiles to himself and left, also looking forward to the next day

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