Isashiki Jun X Reader

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I think I made a similar scenario to the beginning of this book 🤔


You drag your feet in the 3-B classroom, too tired to even exert any sort of energy or enthusiasm with your walk and too lazy to even bother trying

"You're finally here," Isashiki grumbles as you sit on your seat beside him

"Missed me?" You ask dryly

"You wish."

You hum, you weren't sure how you and Isashiki's friendship lasted but it did, starting from that fiasco you consider your first encounter to all the arguments that followed afterward—you and Isashiki had somehow formed a formidable friendship

"Can I copy off you in the Japanese literature assignment we had?" You place your chin on the palm of your hand and stared at Isashiki who looks confused

"What assignment?"

"I always knew I was the more responsible one." You sigh as he starts to argue with what you said

"You don't have it either!"

"Well unlike you, I actually remembered it, I just didn't do it." You say proudly

"How does that make anything better?" He grumbles

"It doesn't, but it means I was awake when classes were going on and you were asleep." You move away when he tries to reach for you, most likely attempting to give you a noogie

"Should we ask anybody from the team?" You ask him, "Surprisingly enough you have a lot of intelligent guys." You nod and Isashiki stops the urge to deny that, if only you were there when they were all copying from one another

"Then let's go to Takano." He starts standing up as you give him a knowing smirk

"Ow!" You whine when he flicked your forehead, "Don't give me that look, I already told you she's just a friend!"

"I didn't even say anything!"

"Shut up, let's just go!" He motions for the door as you follow while muttering, "I just sat down a few minutes ago!" Under your breath

You caught up with Isashiki's stride, "You sure you don't like her? She's cute and really nice," You point out

"She's not my type," Isashiki replies shortly

"Oh? Then if you're not into girls like her then you must have a really shitty taste." You snort

Isashiki gives you a sideway glance, 'Yeah definitely.' He rolls his eyes

"You're not wrong," He grumbles

"So you do like someone!" You gasp, "Who is it?" You ask, for once looking excited

"Not telling you." He turns away in order to hide the blush on his cheeks

"Aw, you're blushing!" You laugh

"Is this the only time you actually look like you have energy?" He asks as you shrug

"It's fun messing with you." You grin, as Isashiki once again rolls his eyes

He really did have a shitty taste

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