Seido Baseball Team X Reader 3

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This isn't done yet, I'm planning to add the other guys in part 4 (Still can't believe this actually reached a part 4) but I don't want each chapter to be too long 💀

Anyways, enjoy and stay safe!


"I knew you guys had it in you!" You say proudly, looking at one of the indoor training gyms and seeing it decorated perfectly, you wouldn't even think it was a place where they bat till they drop!

"Where have you been?" Zono asks

"I was talking to the cooks." You grin, "The food is going to be great!" You give them a thumbs up

"Can we eat too?"

"Depends, although I'm sure nobody's going to pay attention to the food because of the guys." You nod and look around, "Where are they?"

"They're over there." Zono motions for the side of the room where almost everybody in the first string was huddled together as if they were discussing something

Tanba made the mistake of looking over at you, his eyes widen before he returns back to his teammates

"Nice, I can feel the love." You smile and walk over to them

"What are you talking about?" You ask

"How to make you pay in the most painful way," Kuramochi mutters, his cheeks colored with a faint red, most likely flustered with having to wear the fancy clothes, he didn't have anything to worry about though, he looks good

"Oh? What is this? Are you actually blushing? Oh my god! I need a picture of this!" You squeal before taking out your phone and snapping a photo

"Definitely good for promotions." You say as you type on your phone

"Oi did you actually post that?" Kuramochi demands just as his phone dinged, indicating he received a notification

"You have your notifs turned on for me? I'm flattered Mochi." You flutter your eyes at him as he scowls

"Delete it!"


"Come on!"


"I'll kill you!"

"No!—I mean, if you can then sure, why not." You shrugs as he was left dumbfounded at your response

Using his silence as your chance, you turned to the other guys

"Gotta say, you guys look good in suits." You nod, sure some of them didn't fix their ties properly but overall the suits not only made them look more handsome and refined but it also hugged their body perfectly

"Okay, turn around." You instruct them and surprisingly, they followed you

"Yeah, that's definitely a good fit." You nod, "You look good front and back." Compliment them sincerely, the pants definitely did their butts justice

"Alright then, Tanba, Sawamura, and Furuya step forward." You order as the three pitchers did while looking nervous

"How can you mess up your ties when it's part of your uniform?" You ask as you start fixing Sawamura's tie

"How come they get special treatment?" Isashiki grumbles

"Jealous?" Ryousuke asks



"See! See! I told you guys this would work!" You squeal as you started to shake Kanemaru who glares at you

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