Sanada Shunpei X Reader

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Hi everyone!

This was requested by @AnimeMangaAddicted thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!
On the other note, why do I keep on writing Sanada like this?

Anyways enjoy and stay safe!


Sanada's eyes follow your figure

You were someone he would consider an acquaintance, someone he knows yet at the same time doesn't. He didn't know the last time you two talked, was it your second year? He wasn't sure, but he was certain that there was something inside of him that just can't help but be attracted to you

You weren't the most approachable person in the room, you had a mean look and didn't hang out with a lot of people and when you do, you're always the quiet one, when someone tries to talk to you then the conversation would most likely end within a few words exchanged

But he knew that wasn't all there was to you, sure you didn't have the biggest circle of friends but he could see how much you value them, from standing up for your best friend who was getting teased to always putting them before yourself

'Damn I sound like a stalker.' He chuckles to himself, it wasn't like he ever crossed any line and it's not like he wanted to, it's just that whenever you're around you always catch his attention, and he could never remove his gaze from you

Although now, he didn't know what was happening since you looked so pale

'Oh my god, I'm taking care of children.' You think, massaging your temples, you love children, you really do. But the only problem was that you weren't good at handling weren't good at handling people, period.

"I know I asked you to give me some more part-time work but," You give your friend a desperate look who just pat your shoulder

"Don't worry! They're good kids...besides who knows if you'll meet like a hot brother or something." She wriggles her eyebrows suggestively

"Ugh, that's worse!" You pout and look at her, "I've embarrassed myself with so many men before, I don't need another addition to my collection."

"Come on! It isn't that bad, and don't say anything, I was there half the times you failed!" Your friend encourages you

"You weren't there when the other half happened." You mutter

"(First name) come on! You'll just handle a few brats in a few hours!" She pleads

You stare at her, biting your lip as you weigh everything down. If you were to speak honestly you were a lot more nervous about how the kids would act with you

"Fine..." You say after a minute, "But don't come at me if they whine at you afterward," You add as she cheers, kissing your cheek and thanking you

"What a busy Saturday I'll have." You sigh


You ring the doorbell with shaking hands, nervous at the thought of possibly letting these kids down

"You must be the babysitter!" A woman with a messy bun says as she cradles the baby in her arms

"Yeah, I am." You nod, "Sorry, do you need help?" You ask politely as she smiles gratefully

"Yeah, thanks!" She breathes in a sigh of relief as you take the baby in your arms, "Come in!" She says, "There are more kids here than usual since some of their cousins came, but don't worry! I'm pretty sure my nephew is coming later."

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