Kominato Haruichi X Reader

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Hello everyone! Honestly this was shorter than what I intended, and I can't really write these days I couldn't add anything to it... But moving on, I was actually surprised to see that this book is 158 (?) pages long, there's only fifty more one shots left for this book, but I think if I continue my weekly updates then it will end by next week (if I remember correctly there's 52 weeks in a year soo) anyways, I might close the request but I'll make an announcement about that
That's all for today~ Enjoy!

"Hey Haruchi!" You greet Haruichi fondly before placing an arm around Kuramochi's shoulder, "Is this idiot annoying you?" You ask him as Kuramochi pushes you away and raises his middle finger at you

"Not really..." Haruichi trails off looking between you and Kuramochi

"Seriously though, you look amazing with your haircut!" You compliment him sincerely as he blushes

"Thank you senpai." He says shyly

"You look really young!" You giggle, patting his pink hair, "Makes me wanna protect you even more." You grin before Kuramochi pulls you away before you can say anything else to Haruichi

"Hey what was that for?!" You complain at Kuramochi who looks at you like you were some sort of idiot

"You...you really need to think before you say anything," He sighs

"I do!" You argue with him as he scoffs

"Did I say anything earlier that hurt Haruichi's feelings?" You ask with a worried tone, it wasn't really a secret that among all your juniors, Haruichi is one of your favorites, you just can't help but find him adorable

Even when he was a first-year and you were in your second year, you always treated him like your little brother, always looking out for him and supporting him

"Did I say anything earlier that could hurt Haruichi's feelings?" Kuramochi mocks you before flicking your forehead, "You should learn to understand other people's feelings, you know?"

You furrow your eyebrows, "Is there anything wrong with Haruichi?" You ask in confusion as he sighs once more, already growing frustrated


"See you tomorrow Yui! Sacchin!" You call out to your friends as you walk the different directions from them, humming to yourself as you look around the familiar buildings

"(Last name)-san!" Haruichi called out as you stop and turn with a wide grin

"Haruchi!" You greet him happily as he stops in front of you, "Did you need anything from me? Homework? Anything?" You ask him as you look at him

Haruichi looks away, a faint blush on his cheeks

"I-" He looked embarrassed before his face was filled with determination, "I want to take you home," He says firmly as you hum before giving him a worried look

"Are you sure?" You ask him, "I can handle myself you know, if there's anybody you should be worried for is yourse-"

"I'm strong enough to stand up for the both of us, (Last name)-san." He cuts you off as your eyes widen

"So, can I take you home?" He asks once more as you numbly nod, still not used to how he was acting, was he always like this?

"Kids these days really grow fast, don't they?" You sigh, cutting through the silence between you and Haruichi, "Eijun's becoming somehow more mature, and now you." You sigh before smiling at Haruichi

"Jeez don't make me feel so sad!" You ruffle his hair before he stops your hand and uses it to pull you closer to him

"Please stop speaking...and treating me like a child, (Last name)-san." He says calmly as he looks back at your eyes, causing your face to heat up, "Because I'm not."

You look at Haruichi, your face perhaps too red for your liking

You tried to remind yourself that you were talking to the same Haruichi. The same cute Haruichi who couldn't even look at you without his face heating up. The same Haruichi you always treated like a little brother

But whatever you did, your heart really won't stop going in a frenzy

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