Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I'm not sure if it's already past February 14 in where you live, but I hope you enjoy/enjoyed/ is currently enjoying the day!

Stay safe and have fun reading!

"I'll see you later Kazuya!" You bid your boyfriend goodbye before putting down the phone, he said he was going to call you once he reaches your house

Miyuki sighs in relief once he passes the pitchers who were asking him to catch for him, Kuramochi, and Okumura who immediately glared at him upon seeing him

He walks out of Seidou, ready to pick you up from your house

"Ka-zu-ya!" Narumiya's familiar voice calls out, as Miyuki sighs once more, what was it with so many people always pestering him when he had something important to do?

"Mei...And friends, what are you doing here?" He asks the familiar group of people in front of him

"Yo, Miyuki." Carlos grins at him as Shirakawa rolls his eyes and barely looks at Miyuki

"Good, you're already dressed up." Shirakawa says

"Huh? What's going on?" He asks in confusion

"Didn't you read the message?" Narumiya asks him as Miyuki turns to look at him before returning his attention back to his phone

Narumiya Mei:
Let's go out Kazuya

"Ah I didn't see it before." Miyuki laughs

"It was sent a week ago." Shirakawa says, crossing his arms as Miyuki shrugs

"It's been busy these days." He says, "And I have plans already." He tries to get away from the three of them but Narumiya already placed an arm around his shoulder, pulling Miyuki with him

"It won't take long!" Narumiya says in a tone that Miyuki didn't trust

"I can't—"

"Come on!"

'(First name) isn't going to be happy...' He thought, shuddering at the thought of receiving your wrath


"What? Why the sudden cancellation?" You ask him

"Some trouble came up...they were waiting for me by the entrance of the school,"

"Do you need help?" You ask worriedly

"No, I can handle this, but we have to move our date." You can hear the regret in his tone

You sigh, it wasn't easy dating the captain of the baseball team. Training always take up his time, even when you two were hanging out in his room, there's always another person hanging out with you

"Fine." You sigh, "Stay safe and don't get in trouble," You remind him

"When did I ever?" You can hear him scoff from the other line

"Yeah yeah, I'll talk to you later, join your friends and have fun." You say as you were about to end the call

"No I love you?" Miyuki teases you

"After cancelling the date we've been planning for weeks, yes Miyuki there's no I love you."

You put down the phone, ready to change your clothes

"I spent almost an hour choosing this outfit and he just cancels." You scoff, already removing your bracelet, "Don't even get me started on this makeup, Miyuki Kazuya you better have a good reason for this because I will bring hell on Earth if this is just a stupid excuse..." You continue to rant just as your phone rings

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