Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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This is the 4th to the last oneshot~

For this cold (Well, it's not really that cold here) weather, I offer you a Miyuki fluff :) 

Enjoy reading and stay safe!


Dating Miyuki was never easy. From trying to get him to go out with you, which took almost a year before you two were finally able to be lovers

Now, despite it being already a few weeks of going out, he was still yet to be comfortable with expressing his feelings, whether be it through words or his actions, nobody would have thought that the pretty boy catcher was actually quite clumsy in a relationship

"Hey, Kazuya! I kicked them all out of the room for you." You grin up at your boyfriend who enters his room, surprised that there wasn't anybody in the room but you

"Thanks." He smiles at you before heading to his chair, planning to finish some schoolwork

But even though his initial plan was to reread his essay, he can't help but glance at you that was on his bed, happily scrolling through your phone 

As much as he hates to admit it, he was feeling tired. Even though he was already used to being the captain of the team, he sometimes can't help but feel stressed with the responsibility it had, not to mention, the mountain of school work that adds to all his problems 

Before he knows it, he was already walking toward you, who was still focused on whatever was on your phone 

Miyuki sits on his bed, watching you to see if you actually notice how close he got, but to his surprise, you don't even look up

Miyuki moves closer to you to the point that your arms were almost touching

You feel someone lay their head on your shoulder, making you look up to see Miyuki resting his head awkwardly on your shoulder

You couldn't help but stifle a laugh as you notice how red his ears were

"What's so funny?" He frowns, looking up to meet your eyes as you bite your lip to stop yourself from cooing just how adorable your asshole of a boyfriend can be 

"If you wanted to cuddle, you can just tell me, you know." You smile, raising one of your hands and letting your fingers play with his hair

Miyuki closes his eyes as he scoots closer to you, you can feel his hand slowly snake its way to your waist, even though at first he was tense, after a few minutes, Miyuki finally relaxes 

"Awe, did my poor pretty catcher get tired earlier? Do I need to give the coach a piece of my mind?" You ask playfully as Miyuki looks at you before scoffing

"I still remember how you were literally shaking during that one time you couldn't do his homework." Miyuki grins teasingly as you glare at him

"that guy's scary." You say, momentarily stopping from playing with his hair, making Miyuki give you a look

"How demanding." You say dryly, but you resume anyway, it was the few times he was able to initiate physical contact with you, you weren't going to give that opportunity away

"Your teammates will never let you live in peace if they see us like this." You say but he just hums, too comfortable to care about his teammates 

"I know." He mumbles, his eyes already feeling heavy, he had no plan of falling asleep but he just feels too tired that he didn't even notice himself drifting off to sleep

"Good night, Kazuya." You kiss his forehead, feeling warm inside knowing that even though it took a long time, Miyuki was comfortable enough with you to fall asleep in your arms 

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