Kuramochi Youchi X Reader

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"You look like crap," Was the first thing you hear when your boyfriend, Kuramochi walks inside your room

It's New Year and just to your luck your amazing uterus has decided to remind you that you didn't manage to conceive a child

"Jeez, thanks Youchi," you reply, your voice dripping with sarcasm, "Exactly, what I need to hear on this kind of day." 

'Idiot, like I need any reminder,' You think menacingly, silently cursing your uterus for the blood and lower abdomen for the extra pain like blood isn't enough, they had to be a tag team 

'What the hell is this? We bleed if not, we have a child inside of us?' With this thought, you didn't notice the dark aura emitting from you,

"Oi, (first name)" Kuramochi calls, sweat dropping at the aura

"That's enough," he finally says and showed you a bunch of plastic bags

"It's ice cream, chocolate and—"

"Gimme!" You exclaim, cutting him off, stretching out for the bags filled with those amazing goodies that will at least make your battle worth it

"Jeez, you look happier when seeing the food," he mutters, walking towards you and sitting on the edge of your bed

"Well, for starters food never acts like shit unlike some guys," You say, glaring at him who flicks your head

"You know, I was planning to take you out today but well...you have your..." he trails off awkwardly making you look at him apologetically


"Well, it's not like you can stop it unless..." he looks down at your chest and blushes while you scowl at him


"Calm down! You're making it sound as if there's something there!"

"Why you!" You exclaim before kicking him off the bed, laughing at his face when he fell making the latter glare at you and grin

Standing up he walked over to you making you gulp and laugh nervously

"Come on Youchi, it was a jo—Youchi!" You tried to make an excuse but the next thing you knew he was tickling you

'Crap Crap CRAP! Idiot my periods he—'

"Shoot," you mutter, feeling mortified, pushing Kuramochi and resulting in him falling on the floor, as you run towards the bathroom to change

'Damn idiot!' You groan, slamming your head on your hand as you stared at the huge stain, 'these things are really hard to remove!' You groan again

"Oi, (first name)!" You hear your boyfriend shout


"Are you taking a shit?"

"No—just shut up!"

After a few minutes, you walk out of your bathroom and straight towards your dear warm bed... just to witness Kuramochi laying on it while eating your chips


'That's my..'


"OI STUPID WHY ARE YOU EATING MY CHIPS!" You exclaim, marching towards him but he just rolls his eyes and pulls you into a hug

"Shut up! Do you know how cold it is?!"

"There's a blanket for a reason idiot,"

"Shut it," he mutters, pulling you closer and nuzzling his face on your hair, "Thank goodness it smells good," you heard him murmur

"Tha— hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I thought you wouldn't take a bath," he shrugs as you turned to him

"Why exactly?!" You ask him, but he just shuts you up by kissing you on the lips

Your eyes widened as his remains closed

'Idiot, who the hell gave you the right to make me blush?!'  You asked yourself mentally, smacking the back of his head mentally as well

When he pulls away, you were left speechless with a red face making him laugh

"Hyaha, you look stupid!" He laughs, making you scowl but the pain in your lower abdomen started to make its way again

Kuramochi noticed your pained expression and sighs, getting off the bed he walked downstairs towards your kitchen to make a cup of tea and to also get a heating pad

"Here," he says, handing you the tea and placing the pad on your lower abdomen

"Thanks," you say weakly as he once again laid on your bed and starts playing with our hair

"Is it really painful?" He asks, twirling your hair in his fingers as he looks at you worriedly

"It feels like I'm being ripped apart," you answer bluntly as he sighs and stops playing with your hair to wrap his warm arms around you

"Idiot, why didn't you tell me earlier?" He mutters, his eyes fluttering close

After a few seconds, you heard his light breathing making you sigh

"Jeez, if you're really tired you shouldn't have come," you said pushing back a few strands of hair that was starting to cover his face,

"Shut up! Like hell I'll let my girlfriend be in pain on a holiday," he mutters, making you blush and lean on him

You decided to watch Home alone 2 but in the middle of the movie you fell asleep

After a few hours, both of you woke up and you noticed that you were now laying on your side with Kuramochi hugging you behind,

You looked at your pants and saw a stain of blood making your eyes go straight to Kuramochi's thighs




"(First name), stop cuss— what the hell?!" He exclaimed looking at the blood on his thigh

"Sorry!" You exclaimed and ran towards the bathroom to change,


Heya people, this is the second to the last Holiday special (though it isn't really holiday-yand I got the idea from well....me

Period sucks specially if it comes with a free lower abdominal pain,

But let's be honest getting period during holidays can get annoying, specially when you're suppose to have fun with the family and the flow is heavy (that's the suckiest one) but I still got my food so all is well,

I HOPE YOU GUYS HAD FUN WITH YOUR HOLIDAYS AND MANAGED TO EAT TO YOUR STOMACHS DESIRES and I also hope you guys have a wonderful New Year and party to your hearts content (not sure if anybody's gonna do that or just stay at home, at bed eating and watching anime while fangirling at the characters)


request are open, if you have any request please message me or comment it, just write the character, what kind of one shot and a bit of idea for the story


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