Isashiki Jun X Reader

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Hey guys! How are you?

This one shot was requested by @Butterflyeffect16217
Butterflyeffect16217 thank you so much for requesting and supporting my oneshots!
The oneshot is a Isashiki X Nerd! Reader

Requests are open, if you have any please comment or message me and add a bit of description on how you want it to be!

Thank you for reading and enjoy!

"Good luck, Isashiki," you whisper in the midst of all the people cheering the boys on loudly

You were in the middle, where a silent one cannot be noticed with everybody cheering and moving around

"SHAAAAAA!" He shouts as a ball flies towards the centerfield

'That's it, Isashiki.' You nod to yourself as you watch him train

"Do your best—"

"Ow," You mumble when a girl's elbow accidentally hits you

"Oh sorry," She says absentmindedly as she continues cheering

"It's nothing," You mumble as they continue to move around enthusiastically

The only problem with being in the middle was that it was like a war zone where everybody's enthusiasm can either hurt you or make your ears bleed

"Woah!" Almost every girl squeals when a ball came flying towards the fence, making them jump back while you looked up, surprised by the sudden space

Isashiki looks over the group, shock was clearly written on his face as he caught glimpse of your face

'(Last name)? Never thought she watches us' he thinks as he catches your eye

Your eyes widen when you saw him looking over your group, but he was far, so you didn't think he was looking at you in particular

He goes back to training, while you continue watching and quietly cheering him on

'Ahh where did I lose that?!' You look around the school, it was a Saturday, your original plan was to stay in bed, read, do your school work, study, and maybe surf the net

'Oh.....WAIT!' Your eyes suddenly go round as you run towards your place yesterday, but see nothing

'Aww I really liked that book,' You frown after a few minutes of looking around

"Guess it really was lost on the wa—"

"(Last name)?" A gruff voice asks you making you gulp

You turn around slowly, and upon seeing Isashiki, your cheeks start to heat up

"Isa—Isashiki," you breathe out, you weren't a stranger to him, he was in your class, he knew you're smart and always silent and you know he loves baseball and often intimidates people

"He—here," he hands you the book you were looking for, "I noticed it yesterday and thought you wanted it back," he rubs the back of his head with his free hand

"Thanks..." you mumble, grabbing the book from him, "Well....I should go,"

"Wait!" He calls as your heart starts racing, "Tonight...." he starts off awkwardly

'Is he going to...?' The thought makes your stomach flutter as you wait for him to finish

"Can you help me with (Favorite subject)?" He avoids eye contact, his ears bright red, "You have the best I just thought,"

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