Taginawa Chris Yuu X Reader

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Heeyz so this one shot is about a Chris X Delinquent! Reader, which was requested by @animelover199718

Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like it even though it's kinda long, it's 3500 words but sill I hope you like it!
Request are open, if you have any please comment or message me and say a bit of description on you want to be,
That's all, thank you for reading my one shots and enjoy!

TW: Child Violence and substance abuse: father beats up (kicks and punches) the reader, also contains an alcoholic father and mention of using bottle as a method for beating up a child

'Fuck I screwed up.' You think as you try to run away from the scene

"Oi where do you think you're going, stupid brat!" The third year pulls you by the collar of your uniform

"Let go, asshole!" You exclaim, kicking him harshly, causing him to loosen his grip

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!" (Teachers's name) shouts, making the people around the hall part and make a way for her

"You again? (Last name)?" She sighs, rubbing her temple in an attempt of calming herself down

"(Boy's name #2) take (Boy's name #1) to the nurses office," she barks the orders making the other boy heave the third year's bruised body towards the nurse

"(Last name)-kun, come with me," she says sharply, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards the principal's office

"Hey let go!" You exclaim, pulling your hand back

"No, you have to talk to the principal," she says sternly, knocking on the door

The door opens, and both of you were faced with the vice-principal who was surprised to see teacher's name but as his eyes trail from her to you, he starts sweating

'Guess he still haven't forgotten about that,' You smirked to yourself as you remembered the prank you pulled, you got detention, but for you it was worth it, especially with his screams 

"So what do you have to say?" The principal asks after a few minutes of you inside the room

"Uuuuh.....I'm sorry?" You ask out loud, making the principal heave a sigh

"(Last name)-kun, you're a bright student," he starts, causing you to smirk

"But has a nick for trouble," he finishes, making you shrug

"I don't get in fights that much," You try to defend yourself, but the principal facepalms, walking  over to the file cabinet to get your file 

"Here is the list of all the troubles you've caused for the first 3 month of school," he hands you the stack of papers

"Alright fine, I do get in trouble a lot of times but that's not my fault! It's theres!" You try making an excuse but he just stared at you blankly

"That fight with a bunch of boys in your class?"

"They were insulting me!"

"How about that girl who cried,"

"She's a natural crybaby!"

"The third year you beat up?"

"I wanted to prove a point,"

"How about the teacher who quit because of you?"

"If he can't handle me then he should've been a teacher in the first place,"

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