Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hello! Sorry I was a day late for this update, it completely slipped my mind...hehe
This was requested by im-alexaconx thank you for requesting, enjoy!
Have fun reading and stay safe~

"Leave him alone, got it?" (Girl's name) threatens you as you scoff

"We're in the same team, of course we'll have to talk to each other," You explain calmly, trying to get past them but she just pulled you back in front of them

"I don't care! I don't like you near him!"

"He doesn't like you near him either," You mumble to yourself

"What was that?"

"(First name), is everything okay?" Chris' voice cuts your conversation with (Girl's name) and her friends as he appears on the corner where they pulled you to

"Chris-senpai," One of her friends wave and smiles cutely at Chris who smiles back. But you could tell it was forced. Hell, you can tell Chris didn't like them with just his expression alone

"I'm sorry to cut your conversation short but we need (First name) for training." Chris excuses you as you move past (Girl's name) and walk to Chris

"Are you okay?" He whispers as you two walk away from the group and to the field

"Yeah, it was nothing." You sigh, you were already used to it. That said, you can never understand girls like that. It was like they see you as a threat since you were close with the boys in the baseball team. Often harassing you and making you either stop talking to them or to quit the team. Of course you never follow their orders, you didn't spend half of your life playing baseball just to stop just because some girls were jealous of you even though there was nothing to be jealous of

"The team is already on the field, make sure to change into your uniform and head there." Chris smiles at you before patting your head, walking ahead of you while you move to the changing room for girls

"(First name)'s with Chris-senpai again." Sawamura pouts, sitting along with the other first-string players who were all watching you and Chris

"Is she stealing my master from me?!" He gasps dramatically as Kuramochi hits him on the back of his head

"Idiot, even before you came they were already close." Kuramochi scoffs and turns to Miyuki who remains silent throughout the discussion of your relationship with Chris

"Oi what do you think?" Kuramochi asks Miyuki who hums

"About what?"

"About Chris-senpai and (First name)'s relationship."

"I think you're overthinking it." Miyuki hums, enjoying the sound of Kuramochi cussing him out angrily. Annoying your teammate before a training is really the best way to start the afternoon training

But if he was going to answer honestly. Miyuki thinks, well he hopes, your relationship with Chris is platonic and nothing more than seniors and juniors. Because every time he thinks about you two dating, he can't help but feel like his mood was dropping. But amazingly enough, maybe a bit annoying, he can never be truly annoyed with you

"Oh good, everyone's here." Your voice cuts him from his thoughts as you stand behind him

"It's because we weren't late." Miyuki grins as you roll your eyes at his statement

"Someone wanted a talk with me," You shrug, not bothering to tell them any other information

"Who?" Miyuki asks, trying to mask his curiosity

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