Kominato Ryousuke X Reader 2

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This was requested by arduoucity! Thanks for requesting!

This is a part two of the Ryousuke oneshots with Miyuki's cousin~ 

Enjoy reading and stay safe!


"There." You look at yourself in the mirror, feeling happy with how you managed to choose your clothes, "Heh, let's see how he reacts to this." You smirk, walking out of your room and to the cinemas where Ryousuke said you two were going to meet up

You spot his familiar pink hair, and upon seeing his face the scenarios of the previous night play into your mind. Making you suddenly falter on your steps as you feel your cheeks heat up

"Did you get lost on your way?" You almost jump back in surprise when Ryousuke suddenly appears in front of you

"No, I just almost forgot about it." You say cooly as Ryousuke smiles

"Really? Is that why you dressed up so nicely today?" You falter at his response for a moment, before looking at him with the same confident expression 

"Is that your way of saying I look good?" You thought you were going to see him get flustered, but he just hums

"Is that what you want me to say?" He returns the question

"I don't need someone to compliment me to know I look good." You say cooly as he chuckles

"Well, you don't need it but I do think you look good." Your eyes widen at his honest response. Shit. You didn't expect him to actually be smooth 

"Come on, we'll be late to the movies." Ryousuke bites his cheek as he tries to stop his smile from widening. The reason why you first caught his attention was that you were always ready to fight back, not only that but you have the same kind of humor as him. But he admits that seeing you flustered also gets him. Huh, maybe he should surprise you more, after all, seeing you trying to deny your bashfulness despite it being so obvious was a nice sight 

"I want popcorn." You say to him before you two could enter the cinema

"Sure, let's go." He grabs your hand and pulls you towards the snack bar, you hold back your breath as his rough hand makes contact with yours

"Are you that scared of getting lost, senpai?" You comment lightheartedly as you motion for your hands while you two wait in line 

"Are you that affected, (First name)?" He glances at you and smirks as he looks back to the front

"Affected by what?" You reply, not wanting to accept defeat, but before he can answer back the person at the counter asks you about your order 

Once you two got your popcorn and drinks, you enter the cinema. Thankfully, Ryousuke bought the tickets beforehand so you two managed to get the best seats in the room

As the movie starts, you couldn't help but get excited. Something Ryousuke notices once he glances at you, you had this excited look on your face and you were slightly swaying your foot as you anticipate the movie 

He smiles, this time without any kind of teasing behind it. He was glad that he made the right choice in the movie you two were going to watch 

"If you're scared, just hold onto me." You jump back when he leans close to you and whispers to your ear. Once again, the memories of his face close to yours make its way to your mind

Ryousuke leans back in his seat, content at the reaction he just got. You blushing was a really adorable sight, he might make it a hobby to fluster you just so he can see you all red 

You clear your throat as you try to focus on the movie that was already playing, thankfully you were soon pulled by the story of the movie 

"Did the ending imply there was going to be a part 3? I wanna watch!" You gush as you and Ryousuke walk out of the cinema, the scenes were still fresh in your mind. You were glad that the movie met your expectations since there were a lot of movies that didn't really live up to their first movies' greatness

Ryousuke listens to you while you talk about your favorite scenes from the movie, occasionally glaring at people who were giving you strange looks. Well he really can't blame them, if someone was talking about stabbing and a bunch of other horrific things then he would expect them to actually be worried

"Then how about we wait for it together?" He says once you lose words to say

"Yea-huh?" You turn to Ryousuke who smiles at you, his arms crossed confidently as he watches your expression 

"How about we wait for it together?" He repeats the question

"Is that your way of asking me out?" You scoff, "Through watching horror movies?" You cock your head to the side mockingly, copying his confident stance 

"Yes, it is." He says, still composed

"I knew-huh?" You drop your arms to your side as you blink at him, it wasn't fair how many times you got flustered already, you were hoping for it to be the other way around 

"You look flustered, (First name)." He comments, walking closer to you, "I never thought I would see the day where I would call you cute." He grins as you continue to blush at his words

"I'm not." You glare at him, hoping his attention would move away from your blushing cheeks to your deadly glare 


"Do you want me to remake those scenes we watched?" You raise an eyebrow, also moving your face closer to his, you weren't going to lose, you were definitely going to make him blush 

"Sounds exciting." He smiles, your noses were almost touching now and Ryousuke was thankful that you were looking into his eyes rather than his ears that were most likely pink in color already 

He moves closer to you, making you unconsciously close your eyes

But nothing meets your lips, so you open your eyes to see him biting his lip to stop himself from laughing 

"You!" You were about to punch him but he stops you

"Were you looking forward to it that much?" He teases you as you try to kick him, but he didn't even look scared, he even looks amused!

"As if!" You grumble as he chuckles, finally removing his hands from holding you back 

"Don't worry, I won't do anything you don't want to." He reassures you, placing a hand on your hair, but it didn't even last a minute and he removes it

"Come on, your cousin might be waiting for you." He calls after you, he was a few steps ahead of you but he turns his head to the side as he calls for you 

You take a deep breath, both to calm your nerves and heart down. It was crazy how this man could make your heart beat faster than any thrilling scene you have ever watched 

"I can't believe I didn't get him to blush though." You mutter, pouting slightly as you walk towards him who stops to wait for you

"What?" Ryousuke asks when he notices you staring at him once you catch up to him, "Enjoying the view?" His usual smirk was present, but you didn't stare at his face for too long, after all the bright color of his ears was a lot more noticeable 

"Nothing." You hum, you didn't bother telling him about how you saw that he was flustered, after all, he might do something that would leave you a much more blushing mess 

But it was good to see that you got him flustered, just as he got you

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