Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader 3

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"I didn't do anything," Shirakawa says, annoyance laced in his voice as Carlos continues to pester him

"But she was quiet—she often is but even more now." Carlos sighs, remembering your walk home

"Well I didn't say anything, maybe it was your fault for suddenly barging into my room without a shirt on."

"Shirakawa! You called for me?" Carlos asked as he opened the door, obviously eager to see you

"Yeah, we're done—"

"So I can take her home?" Carlos cut Shirakawa off which the former didn't approve of

"Well whatever," Shirakawa muttered, "Yeah, it's late and it isn't safe for her to go out alone."

"On it!" Carlos grinned before his eyes landed on you, who was looking at the floor with a red face

"Hey, ready to go?" He asked softly as you glanced up at him

"Are you sure you want to potentially face her parents without a shirt on?" Shirakawa asked as Carlos' eyes widened

"Shit, I forgot!" He ran out of the room to grab a change of clothes, "Wait for me a bit," He said before sprinting to his room

"That wasn't completely my fault!" Carlos argue but the more that he repeats that line the more stupid it sounded to him, it wasn't like it was Shirakawa's fault that he got too excited to see you that he ran without bothering to put a shirt on

"Oh actually, it might be our talk before you got here," Shirakawa comments, cutting off Carlos' train of thoughts

Silence fills the room before Carlos asks Shirakawa again, "So what happened?"

Shirakawa could only sigh


You walk to school with determination, after your whole heart-to-heart (you weren't sure if it was considered heart-to-heart) talk with Shirakawa, you made up your mind to finally be honest with your feelings, not only to Carlos but to everybody else as well

'screw what everybody thinks, they aren't anybody special anyways!' Was the mindset you decide to follow if you really wanted to have a healthy relationship with Carlos

And the first step was to cheer for him during baseball training

You reluctantly stand by the side where not many people were watching, you catch glimpse of the first-string players doing warmups

Taking a deep breath, you call out to Carlos, "Carlos-kun!"

Carlos, hearing your familiar voice immediately turns his head toward you

"Ohh is that your girlfriend?" A bunch of players teases him as he chuckles

"Not yet, but maybe in the future." He grins, waving at you

"Good luck!" You yell out which surprised him, but hearing you cheer for him made him feel more motivated, so he wasn't going to complain

Back at you, your face flushes as nearby people stares at you and whispers among themselves, you had to admit, you felt quite embarrassed, but everything was worth it when you saw how big Carlos' smile was

"I'll wait for you so we can go to school together!" You call out, biting your lip as you try to stop yourself from smiling

"Okay! Make sure to keep your eyes on me, got it?" He yells as the coach scolds him

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