Miyuki Kazuya X Reader 1

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You sighed and sat on your designated seat in the classroom, taking out your earphones, you placed them on your ears to block out the girls squealing as Miyuki Kazuya walked in

Now, he never did anything that could hurt you, you don't even talk to each other, so why would you find him annoying?

Oh, because of his personality.

It was no secret that this catcher was popular among the ladies, You knew he was a great catcher and a good looking one too, but in your opinion, that doesn't give him the right to play with girls, it annoyed you how he would date multiple girls or break one of his fangirls heart

You rolled your eyes as you saw him flirting with a girl who was beet red, handing him a letter that seemed to be filled with her feelings for him

"Urgh, such an f-boy," you thought to yourself but looked up and saw that everybody inside the class was looking

Shit, did I just say it out loud? You thought as you saw Miyuki walking towards you

"Hey there," he greeted, giving you his signature smirk as you just stared at him blankly

While you've never liked Miyuki, Miyuki was another story. He somehow found himself always looking at you and wondering how you were doing or just thinking about you in general

Now, you've commented on him, he knew that you at least knew about his presence

And maybe because of that little comment, he found an excuse to hold a proper conversation with you

"What do you want?" You asked, annoyed when he took out one of the earphones from your ears

"What's your name?" He asked, still grinning when you looked up to him

Damn is he attractive, you thought as you stared at him, somehow taking in the details of his face

"Like the view?" He grinned making you scowl at him, one because he caught you and two, he figured it out

"What do you want?"

"Your name is something I really want and maybe if you're feeling hospitable, you're number" he flirted, making you roll your eyes at his damn pickup line

"(Last name) (First name)" you answered shortly making him grin

"Nice to meet you(Last name), I'm Miyuki Kazuya" he smiled as girls around him went ballistic, but he couldn't care less about them

He was about to say something but luckily the bell rang even before he can get a word out

"Okay class, you all may take your seat," the teacher announced as he walked inside the class

As he started teaching, you hardly listened to what he was saying, your mind still on the catcher

You turned to look at Miyuki, just to see that he was already staring at you

Once he caught your eye, he smirked and gave you a wink, causing you to scowl at him in return, yet in contrast, you felt your cheeks heat up

Damn that hot asshole


I can't believe I mischaracterized Miyuki in this so much, and in the part two...I can't even read it while I was editing 

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