Tanba Koichiro X Reader 2

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You hum quietly as you walked towards the baseball field, looking down at your sketchbook, you tried to find any blemishes on your sketch

Feeling satisfied at how clean it looks, you decide to put the sketchbook back inside your bag but as you were walking while stuffing the sketchpad inside your bag, not looking where you were going, you accidentally hit someone causing you to fall over

You fell to the ground as you looked up to see Chris looking down at you apologetically

"Sorry, (first name)," He says as he helps you up, "where are you headed?" The third-year catcher asks

"I was planning on going to the field to watch Koichiro practice," You answer back, making the latter smile, feeling quite stupid for even asking when that was the only answer you have

"I should've figured that out," He jokes as you hummed in response, a smile now laying on your lips

"You heading there?" You asked him as he nods in response, both of you walking towards the field together

You were quite close with the other third years, being Koichiro's childhood friend, you often watch their practice and games, not to mention you've at least helped each one of them with a subject (more or less Isashiki)

But Chris was different, he managed to notice your feelings for Tanba and even gave you multiple tips on how you could confess, but in the end, you never managed to do anything, leaving the catcher frustrated

"Have you confessed?" He asked you while both of you walked, you looked up at him who was looking ahead calmly, acting as if he almost didn't give you a heart attack with his question

"No," you answer, frowning as you do so. You want to, but don't have the confidence and you also don't want to ruin the friendship you have with the said pitcher

"You should," He advises as you huff

"You make it sound that that's easy," you mutter as Chris chuckles, finding it amusing how neither of you two can confess to each other, though it does stress him from time to time

"Well I'll see you (Firs name) I still have to see Sawamura," he sighs as you giggle, remembering Sawamura's antics at how he believed he could make Chris forgive him

"Good luck Chris!" You shouted as he waves at you goodbye

You then went to the baseball field, greeting the managers on the way. As you reached the field, the first thing you saw was all the players practicing hard

"(First name)," Rei says as you proceed to walk towards her to stand beside her, watching the whole thing

"Heya Rei-chan," you greet back, giving her a smile

"(Nickname)-chan," Koichiro greets you as you grin at him

"Aren't you glad to see me Ko-chan?" You tease, making the pitcher let out a smile

"Oi stop it, will ya!" Jun shouted as you turned to look at the loud batter

"Don't be so bitter just cause you can't get a girl," you grin, making him scowl at you but then let out a small smile

"(First name)-chan, will you wait for me after practice, I have something to tell you," Tanba says as you nodded, wondering why he had to make you remember that when that's basically your everyday schedule


By the time the practice ended, you were starving, forgetting to bring your favorite snack while watching the practice 

"(First name)-chan, you ready to go?" Tanba asked as you nod in reply and link arms with him

"Where to Ko-chan?" You asked him

"How about (favorite cafe)?" He asked you as you nod excitedly, feeling the hunger come back

You guys went to the cafe and order your food, once you received it, you both went back out, planning to go to the park to eat

Once you were at the park, both of you start to eat but you noticed Tanba was quiet. Well, not like it was anything new

"Ko-chan, you okay?" You asked, looking at him worriedly and noticing that he was blushing

"I love you" he blurted out, leaving you gaping


"I-I-I love...I love you" he mumbled while his cheeks continue to redden, "(First name)?" He asked

"Koichiro," You whispered, your cheeks heating up at his confession

'No wonder Ka-chan and Chris always sigh when we're together' you thought, feeling stupid

"(First name)?" He asked, fumbling with his hands while you continued to stare at him

"I love you too Ko-chan," you declare,  your stomach doing backflips while your cheeks were on fire

"Wa—wait, really?" He asked loudly, his eyes widening making you giggle

"Yeah," you reply while he sighs in relief, a weight seemingly lifts off his shoulder

"That's a relief," he muttered, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants

"Do you want to go on a date?" You blurt out, playing with the hem of your shirt while Tanba's eyes popped out

"I was—"

"Do you?"

"Yes, I want to," he mumbled, his face flushing red, avoiding eye contact as both of you sit down

"We can go this Saturday then," you said as he nodded, his eyes trailing at your hands

Without a warning, he grasps your hands in his, still looking the other way with his flushed face while you smile and squeeze his hands

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