Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Miyuki stares at his child in front of him, as he just stares right back at his father

"Alright, alright." Miyuki sighs before picking the child up from his stroller

"Is this what you wa-"

Miyuki's eyes widen once the baby starts crying, even trashing around and trying to get out of his arms

"He-hey don't do this little guy." He basically begs the baby who continues to cry

"Ma! Ma!" He babbles

"Mama's not here, she's with her friends." Miyuki tries to explain but the baby just cries harder

"Shit, I gotta call (First name)." Miyuki starts to grab his phone from his pocket but then he remembers why exactly he told you to go out

"Are you okay?" Miyuki asked as he watched you cradle your son in your arms

"Kazu? Hey did he wake you?" You looked at him apologetically as Miyuki frowned, noticing the bags under your eyes that seemed to be ready to drop out of exhaustion

"I was trying to get him to sleep earlier so you can rest but..." You motioned as Miyuki shook his head

"Do you want me to help?"

"No, it's okay. You can go ahead and sleep." You smiled at him, now cradling the baby in your arms

"Turns out I can't call your mother." He sighs as the baby continues to shout, "So let's get along, okay?" He tries asking the baby but it just hit him on his face

"Ood!" He babbles as Miyuki takes a minute to process what his child was saying before taking him to the kitchen

"You said you wanted food." Miyuki sighs as he stares at (Son's name) who wouldn't even open his mouth for the food

"Ma! Ma!"

"She's not here."

"Ma! Ma!"

"She's relaxing."

"Ma! Ma!"

"She-" Miyuki stops when his phone starts to ring

"Hello?" Miyuki grumbles, already feeling tired from just a few hours of looking after his child

"Kazu, is everything okay?" He heard your worried voice

"Yeah, everything's cool." He says cooly but behind him, your son starts crying

"Sure." You snicker from the other line

"Fine, it isn't." Miyuki finally admits defeat, "Why is he like this? He won't even listen to me!"

"I told you that he took a lot after you." Miyuki could hear the amusement in your voice, "Now you know how it feels having to deal with you."

"Whatever." Miyuki mutters, "He won't eat anything, why is that?"

The line was silent for a moment, "Have you tried the airplane thing?" You suggest

"...Do I have to try the airplane thing?"

"Yes Kazuya, our child needs to eat so please just do the airplane thing."

Miyuki looks over to (Son's name) who was starting to play with his food, his eyes widen as he runs towards his baby and pulls the bowl of baby food away, which in turn made your son cry

"Hey come on, you were about to make a mess." Miyuki was pretty much desperate to have (Son's name) calm down

"What are you laughing at?" Miyuki grumbles at you once he hears the sound of your laughter

'I wish I could see what you two are doing right now." You tease as he rolls his eyes, then he remembers that you couldn't see him

"Whatever." He mumbles as he hears your chuckle

"Well you have things to do so I'm putting this down, tell (Son's name) I love him!"


"I love you too Kazuya~"

Miyuki hums as a smile grows on his face, "I love you too." He says as he finishes the call

Suddenly he feels something hit the back of his head, and the sound of a spoon hitting the floor, causing him to return his attention back to his son who was still throwing tantrums

"Well...here goes the airplane thing." He mutters before once again attempting to feed his child

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