Hongo Masamune X Reader

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Hello everyone!
This was requested by qwack_qwack_bihtch thank you for requesting hope you enjoy it!
I also have an announcement at the end of the oneshot so please read it!

"Masa, did you do anything again?" You cross your arms as Masamune looks at his side, to avoid looking at your face

"Let me see," You sigh motioning him to just show you his hand

"Who did you even fight with?" You scold him, "Don't even tell me it was because of training! You're a baseball player, not a boxer!"

"Some bastard annoyed me," He finally admits

"What did they do?"

"Nothing important." He answers, he didn't really want to tell you the reason he punched someone was because that boy was talking shit about you, even going as far as fantasizing disgusting thoughts about you out loud

Besides Hongo knows you too well, you would just feel guilty if you found out he punched someone because of you

"Alright, I'm not going to force you to tell me." You sigh after a few minutes, Hongo was grateful for that aspect of you. Always the understanding and kind one, never forcing anybody to do or say anything they were uncomfortable with

"Just make sure to don't do it again, okay? I don't want you bruised up anymore." You say, cleaning up the wounds in his hand as he hisses when the alcohol makes contact with it

"Does it hurt?" You ask him

"No, just surprised." He reassures you immediately

"Okay, tell me if I hurt you okay?"

"You can't ever hurt me." He blurts out, looking down to avoid seeing your expression at his cheesy response

You bite your lip to stifle your laugh, it was always adorable seeing Hongo being so awkward yet sweet when it comes to your relationship

"Done," You announce after a few minutes, "This is the last time, alright Masamune? I don't want you hurt anymore." You scold him

"Fine...I won't do it again." He mumbles, glancing back at you as he fumbles in his seat

"Come on." You huh him and sit on his lap as he wraps his arms around you before nuzzling his face on your neck, tickling your face with his hair

Hongo didn't know what he would do if anybody caught him acting this soft with you, but while your arms were wrapped around his torso, engulfing him with your warmth. He didn't really care what anybody would say


Sorry if I had to make you read another set of authors note but Requests will be closed aside from the fact that I still have 15 requests I still have to write (I'm a bit slow since I have a lot to do these days) I'm also considering the fact that this oneshot book is about to end

There's only like 40 more chapters and there's atleast 20 pending requests and I'm not really sure if I will still open the requests since there's limited chapters left (I'm not sure if it changed but you can only reach up to 200 chapters in one book in wattpad)

So I'll repeat it, Requests are closed, future request (unless I opened it again) will not be accepted

Sorry and thank you for understanding!!

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