Tanba Koichiro X Reader

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Hello! I'm so sorry that I didn't get to post this yesterday, it just completely slipped my mind
But moving on, this was requested by ReadingSwirls! Thank you for reading and I hope you like it~
That's all for this a/n thank you for reading and enjoy~

You walk behind the other spectators, hardly understanding any of the terms they were talking about

You aren't a big Baseball fan and the only time you actually hear about it is whenever your classmates talk about it

Sighing, you continue to follow behind a group of boys, looking down and gasping when you saw the red string on your finger

It was probably the first time it was so clear

Unable to stop your curiosity, you end up following the string until you stop in front of what seemed like an entrance to the stadium

"Should I go in?" You ask yourself out loud

"Excuse me, do you need anything?" You jumped in surprise at the deep voice behind you

Turning around, you almost want to run away at the sight of the intimidating man wearing sun glasses in front of you who was wearing a Baseball uniform

"Um...no I was just passing by.." You answer awkwardly before bowing and walking away

'Was that a player? I never knew high school players were so scary!' You shudder before walking to the others who were also watching

You continue to stare at the string on your finger that was still leading to the small open space by the field

'No way...is my soulmate just as scary as that guy?' You wonder to yourself, already thinking of the worst possible scenario

Just then the umpire called the players as they all walked to the middle of the field, you follow the red string and saw it was connected to a tall guy with a buzz cut

You pale, he does look somehow intimidating

But despite feeling a bit worried, you could feel your heart flutter. Was this how it usually is? Perhaps it's because you're connected to him that's why you couldn't help but focus on him

But he seemed too preoccupied on the game that he wasn't even looking around

You couldn't help but wonder if it's because he doesn't have any sort of interest in you or if it's because he was in the game

"Come on, let's be optimistic." You tell yourself and continue to watch the game, feeling a bit excited on how your soulmate was going to play

"Tanba doesn't seem to be doing quite good, don't you think?"

"What happened, he was doing fine during the first few innings."

You listen to the two men beside you, watching your soulmate—or Tanba as you heard

You gasp as you watch Tanba almost fall, thankfully someone caught him

The thoughts of introducing yourself to him suddenly vanished and you were now filled with worry about his condition since he was hit on the head by the ball. Even though you weren't an athlete, you know that head shots are fatal; especially when the ball was moving as fast as the ball that hit him

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