Hongo Masamune X Reader

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Hi everyone! Once again another update~

This was a really cute idea 😆 thanks to @Papayahhhh for requesting it!

Anyways, enjoy and stay safe everyone!


You didn't know the man in front of you

You were so used to seeing your boyfriend either look cool when he was pitching or angry when talking to other people, so the sight of him bouncing his knees, looking at you every other second and fumbling with his dress shirt—that he insisted on wearing even though you told him that wearing casual clothes is okay—made you a lot more worried for him than all the times you two go out and delinquents think Masamune's picking a fight with them because of his glare

"Masa," You grab his hands in yours before giving them a reassuring squeeze, "Don't look so nervous, my parents will love you!"

"I'm not nervous." He denies but as soon as the train stops you feel his grip on your hand tighten as he visibly gulps

"Sure you aren't, big guy." You pat his head as the people who were going on that stop went out of the train, "We're not even there yet and you're already so stiff!" You chuckle

"Fine, I am." He admits, "But what if they don't like me...what if they think I'm too mean?" He finally voices out his worries as you shake your head

"You don't look mean and I already told you a million times that they'll like you!" You move your hand towards his face and caress it, "You're a great guy and if there's anything I'm sure of is that they can see how much you make me happy." You make him look at you as Masamune finally crack a smile

"There it is!" You cheer softly, noticing the eyes of an old lady at the two of you


"I still can't believe my daughter's dating the Hongo Masamune." Your father says in awe as he continues to shake Masamune's hand with vigor, "If she ever hurts you, I'll disown her."

"Yes sir, I won't hurt....her?" Masamune quickly glances at you with panicked eyes as you giggle and held onto his arms

"Dad, that's enough." You pull Masamune's hand from your father

"It's not every day I get to shake hands with a monster pitcher!"

"Don't scare off your daughter's boyfriend." Your mother comes out and slaps your father's arm

"You must be Hongo-kun, right?" She asks as she take Masamune's hand in hers

"Yes ma'am." Masamune nods

"Don't bother with that, just call me (Mother's name)-san." She smiles at Masamune who nods but suddenly becomes stiff

You looked down and saw the tight grip your mother has on Masamune's hand

"Mom! Stop that!" You scold her, removing her hands from Masamune

"Dear calm down, I was just trying to show him how strong I am." She says, still smiling, "Can't have boys thinking they won't pay if my child's hurt, right?"

"Mom!" You scowl, rubbing Masamune's hand

"Don't listen to her Masa, she's just scaring you. She likes doing that." You reassure your boyfriend who slowly nods, still looking at your mother who still had that friendly smile etched on her face

"I won't hurt her...(Mother's name)-san." Masamune promises, looking as determined as ever

You grin smugly, when it comes to it, your boyfriend can really make your heart flutter

"See mom, he's good! Great actually, so stop with that intimidating mom thing, and let's just go inside."  

She hums, "Fine." She finally agrees, "I'll be remembering that promise, Masamune-kun." Your mother says before ushering your dad inside the house

"I told you they would like you." You whisper to him as he finally sighs in relief

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