Yuki Tetsuya X Reader 1

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Captain Yukiiiiii!!!! One of the most awesome character in the team

If anyone argues, fight me

You talked with (best friend's name) while both of you walked towards the field, for your best friend had insisted to watch the baseball players practice, you didn't really have a choice because at the time she said that she was already dragging you out of the classroom

As you looked at them, you noticed the captain, Yuki Tetsuya, batting and you felt your heart race at the sight

"(First name)~" (best friend's name) called playfully as she watched beside you, "do you perhaps fancy the captain?" She asked playfully, her eyebrows wriggling with a matching wicked grin

"M-me? Of course not!" You exclaimed, your cheeks flushing a deep shade of red at her statement

Okay, you may or may not have a teensy crush on him, and when I say teensy, you've liked him since first year

"Sure (first name)." she teased making you scowl at her as a reply

"If I do like him, it's not like he's gonna like me back," you mumbled making (best friend's name) roll her eyes and grin wider, that oh-so scary grin that often means she plans on doing something embarrassing

"Yuki-kun!" She shouted, catching the attention of the team and you to look at her wide-eyed

"(Bestfriend's name) what are you doing?" You whispered, gripping her wrist as she grinned playfully at you

"This is (Last name) (First name)! She says you're a good player and fancies the way you lead the team!" She shouted making you look down in embarrassment, letting your hair cover your flushed face

"And she says that she li—" (best friend's name) didn't get to finish her statement since you placed your palm over her mouth and dragged her away

"(Best friend's name)!" you whined as she just giggled at your misery

"I just helped you, you know~" she grinned making you scowl at her as she placed a hand on your shoulder

"That was embarrassing" you mumbled as you went in the direction of your house

"See ya! Tomorrow (first name)!" She shouted as she waved and walked in the opposite direction

"Yeah," you said quietly and continued walking

~the next day~

You walked inside the school, hoping not to catch anyone's attention

But there were just days when your luck wasn't on your side

"Oi, aren't you the girl that was with that girl that shouted yesterday!" Jun Isashiki shouted making your eyes widen in horror

"Oi, you! I'm talking to—" you didn't hear the end of his sentence since you ran away from them and to your classroom

'Phew,' You thought to yourself as you walked inside the class and sat on your seat beside the window

'Where the hell is (best friend's name)?'  You asked yourself as your phone dinged

1 message from most awesome friend

From: Most awesome friend

To: Only girl I need

Subject: Acckkkkk

(First name)-chan, I can't go to school!
My stomach keeps on giving me crap and it won't stop! Survive the day without me, (first name)-chan! Survive it!

P.S good luck with Yuki-kun ;)

You rolled your eyes at your best friend, of course, she's gonna get diarrhea

From: The only girl I need

To: the most awesome friend

Subject: I told you so

I told you, you shouldn't have eaten (food name), now look what happened. Hopefully, you get well soon or I swear I will not let you eat any of that for a whole month

P.S what are you talking about

You sent the message and put your phone inside your bag

"Yuki-kun!" A guy called causing you to choke on your saliva

"Ohayo, Yuki-kun!"

"Good luck, Yuki-kun!"

"Lead the team to nationals!"

"Yuki-kun are you free tonight?"

You looked at the door and saw that Yuki was walking inside along with Jun, who looked pissed

"Oi, you! I was talking to you earlier!" He shouted, causing your eyes to widen and to look away

'Don't walk towards me. Don't walk towards me. Don't walk towards me.'  You chanted in your head as you looked out the window, hoping that they wouldn't go near you

"Oi, I'm talking to you." Jun's rough voice was beside you

'Please don't let it be him, along with him, please!' You said to yourself desperately

You looked up and almost fainted, Jun Isashiki was in front of you along with Yuki Tetsu who was beside him

"Good morning," you greeted weakly, hoping to ease the quietness

"Why did you run away yesterday?" Yuki asked as you gulped

"Ha, Eh, well you see, my mom was looking for me and I didn't want to make her wait and make her worried" you tried to explain but your face was turning redder and redder as each second passed by

"Are going to watch practice this afternoon?" He asked as you blinked at the random question

"I'm not sure," you answered slowly, not really wanting I embarrass yourself again

"Please watch it," he said and you noticed a faint pink on his cheeks

"O-okay," you replied as he gave you a small smile

"Oi, hurry up! We're gonna be late for classes!" Jun shouted as Yuki followed him out

That was part one, the second one might come out tomorrow or another day, it's still not sure

Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this, if you have any requests please do! Request are open

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